It seems there is an evolution for practice wear. When my daughter was at her old gym, everybody wore the same uniform-T-shirt and soffee short w/ gym name only and same bows, I think, I paid $35 at most...
Now, it seems the big thing is the practice wear with every team have 3 different outfits, their own design, colors, etc... and of course, the gym's name somewhere plastered on the clothes-- and the cost is like $150-200.
I think, practice wear has become more of a vanity thing now and works toward separating the gym into small cliques with plastering team's name on the clothes--I noticed that people are actually judging and only socializing within certain constraints, which is wrong and I had situations where a person does not know what team my child is on and we are engaging in pleasant conversation and once seeing my child with the practice wear on, the conversation shifts quickly into something weird and the person moves away I guess to get back with their clique...
So, answering the OP question- Yes, practice wear is necessary for sake of the whole gym, but No, practice wear should not have team's name on it...
1 unify uniform for the whole gym...