WOO finally getting on the boards after a weekend of Red Sox, Countryfest, and.... a Hurricane? WOAH. Not used to this. My town (small town in MA on the border of NH) is okay as a whole, just a lot of trees down. My house/street however, is a different story. Basemen'st flooded, ceiling leaked in one room (although we've needed a new roof in that part for awhile, I guess it's time), 5 trees down (one just barely missed my car :eek:) and to top it all off.... an electrical wire snapped on the one pole on our street. My street is tiny, and there are only 5 houses, but we're all connected to this one utility pole. So, wire snaps about 930am Sunday. It's now 8pm Tuesday, and we still don't have power. Only street in town without it, but since we're an "isolated incident" it's going to take at least a week to fix it. Luckily, my parents were able to hunt down a 5000watt (is it even watts? lol) generator which we started last night so now we can at least turn on lights and our fridge/freezers! Very crazy stuff, Ms. Irene.
Oh, and to those saying "it's just rain, blahblah", all I have to say is I'm very thankful the news hyped it up as much as they did, because we were able to go out and get batteries, water, etc, which held us over until the generator came. If they said it was going to be 'just rain', we would've been completely in the dark with no water for at least 2 days. Not fun.