All-Star Prayers For Newton, Ct

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I work in an arena, today we stopped before the game and had a moment of silence for the kids. An entire arena, silent... except for one child that yelled "Go Soul" (the team) and I have never been so happy to hear a child's voice interrupt something so meaningful.
My prayers to the families involved, all my love goes out to them. Nobody should have to bury their baby.
The fact that parents can't even feel safe sending their children to school anymore is sickening. Imagine the children in those classrooms and the fear they will experience going back to school. Humanity is ending before the world gets a chance to.
I just can't wrap my head around the fact that this actually happened. And I can't and will never understand what makes someone do such a thing. I understand people can be mentally ill, but there is always free will. I just don't understand. All I can do is pray for everyone right now and that God will give peace to the children's families. There are perfect little angels up in heaven now watching over us. At least they are with God.
So, so sad. I prayed off and on for them today. This is just completely heartbreaking.
I've heard that the shooters' mom (the reason he did this horrible act) was a substitute teacher... This just adds to my confusion.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the friends and family of those who lost their lives. May god bless the souls of those poor children an teachers, and may they rest in peace <3 :(
A child wrote this to his mother during the shooting :( Absolutely heart wrenching.
This is fake.
People always wait until the next tragedy to say don't take life for granted. No, just stop. You should be saying that EVERYDAY. It shouldn't take a tragedy for you to realize that you shouldn't take your life for granted.

Oh and update on varsity: they tweeted their condolences immediately after I asked them why they still haven't said anything about the shooting.
That is so True!!! Why do we wait?? :fro:
As a parent to three children with a life threatening disease that can take them at any time, even I find what happened yesterday terrifying, horrific, and unimagineable. Tell your and/or your children's teachers and everyone who works at your/their school just how thankful you are for them. Tell your friends, children/parents, and family how much you love them. And if there is a person around you who needs help, make sure they get the help they need. Unfortunately, I do not think that the events in CT could have been prevented. Evil does exist. Good also exists and will overcome this. Most of all, pray for this community, these parents, the kids, and everyone involved. Be kind to yourselves and those around you today.
Got new of this after practicing a lockdown at school,which was probably minutes after this happened. I lived through Tech and Colombine but the impact wasn't as strong as it was today. I will now take thos lockdowns much more serious, and be careful as to how I treat others. This sickening, and my heart is breaking. A baby had nothing to do with any of this. I live in Arlington,VA so 9/11 has always been hard for me because it happend at home, now this will always have a profound effect to my lives. I pray those kids who survied will be okay someday, and that the familes of those who passed, will grow stronger, and find some hope during this holiday
My school is in the next town over, and 10 minutes from Sandy Hook Elementary. I can't get over that this happened so close to home. My school was on modified lock down, and the middle/elementary schools in my school district were on full lock down. The fact that he could have gotten off a few exits down the highway and shot my school or one of the other schools in my region is absolutely terrifying. You would never expect anything like this to happen in Newtown, things like this never happen around here. I used to go to church in Newtown, and know some people who live there, but luckily none of them were involved. This incident was just horrible. Of all places, why an elementary school? Why kindergartners? They're just innocent kids who can't help themselves. Parents send their kids to school everyday expecting them to be somewhere safe. I can't even imagine what everyone involved is going through, and my thoughts and prayers are with them.