All-Star Print Or No Print

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Ive always LOVED this uniform, perfect amount of zebra in my opinion.
i think the only ones who have pulled off animal print would be F5! AND NO!!! not because i love them and what not but because.. its truth!

i dont mind it so much on clothing!
At this point, just like with any trend, zebra/cheetah/leopard print is getting tired. I've seen it mis-used and over-used so much that it looks tacky to me, now. So, I guess that's why I don't care for the look, in general, on unis. Anything tacky is.not.fierce.
CA's unis have just a touch of a print that goes with their team name so I think it's actually cute. Plus, the majority of their uni is a sedated color.
I think World Cup fans have it easy, being able to buy blouses in leopard or cheetah or whatever, and that's comp-appropriate, even if I wouldn't be caught dead in some of that stuff I've seen, elsewhere.
When I see mystique with animal print, with borders, with cut-out patterns and there are 5 colors in the uni, my eyes don't know where to look first and it ceases any cuteness it ever had. It may have looked HOT it's first year out, but let it go through a couple of seasons, get copied and re-done by half the teams in the state, and it's old. I don't care for F5s unis pictured above, Virginia Wild's uni above, or Cheer Challenge's uni (sorry, boo, still love you, though) on the previous page. They look dated next to CA's, or a non-animal print like Twist and Shout's or something.
At this point, just like with any trend, zebra/cheetah/leopard print is getting tired. I've seen it mis-used and over-used so much that it looks tacky to me, now. So, I guess that's why I don't care for the look, in general, on unis. Anything tacky is.not.fierce.
CA's unis have just a touch of a print that goes with their team name so I think it's actually cute. Plus, the majority of their uni is a sedated color.
I think World Cup fans have it easy, being able to buy blouses in leopard or cheetah or whatever, and that's comp-appropriate, even if I wouldn't be caught dead in some of that stuff I've seen, elsewhere.
When I see mystique with animal print, with borders, with cut-out patterns and there are 5 colors in the uni, my eyes don't know where to look first and it ceases any cuteness it ever had. It may have looked HOT it's first year out, but let it go through a couple of seasons, get copied and re-done by half the teams in the state, and it's old. I don't care for F5s unis pictured above, Virginia Wild's uni above, or Cheer Challenge's uni (sorry, boo, still love you, though) on the previous page. They look dated next to CA's, or a non-animal print like Twist and Shout's or something.

Preach! Took everything I was thinking and put it into one post.

I don't actually like the zebra in this (and other squads). It doesn't make any sense. If they were the Zebras or Animals or something then yes, but otherwise, I generally prefer it left off. Bling instead!!
Bow Maker said:
And this is why girls that are bigger are uncomfortable in a crop top.

They're uncomfortable because it looks bad. No one should have to wear something that makes them feel ashamed. I think it's torturous.
I like them in practice wear but not so much in uniforms for the most part. Of course there are a few uniforms I like With it like f5 and cheer athletics. I Just hate when the entire uni is coverd in zebra.
I dont think everyone who is bigger is ashamed to wear a crop top. They could feel bad in a full top if it didnt fit right. I had a full top last year, and I was uncomfortable in it. Its completely different for a crop top. I dont mind them. People just need to feel comfortable in their own skin. If other people stopped making fun of larger girls in crop tops then maybe they would stop caring what other people think.
And the lmao wasnt really necessary.
Sorry if I offended you. I just think it looks very bad. And I lmao at everything so it's nothing personal.
Cheetah>Zebra. Zebra was cool the first couple years it was out, but now its just over-used and out-dated. The reason why I don’t say this about cheetah print, is because IMO cheetah print is easier to calm down, its not so out there, and POPING out of a uniforms design. When I first saw CA cheetahs uni I did not like it at all! But the more I watched them, the more it grew on me! I think they did a great job fading the cheetah just enough so it was still visible but wasn’t so crazy and out there! They did a great job! Zebra is just too much, especially when put with crazy neon colors. F5’s is okay, but nothing I would brag about IMO.
Why is it only ok for the well known gyms to have animal print? I keep seeing posts that say F5 or CA, etc, looks fab but anyone else that has it should be arrested by Stacy and Clinton.
A lot of animal print is a no no in ANY style of dress. I'd certainly rather see a uniform like the Virginia Wild posted earlier than the one I see at comps year after year with white, neon green and neon pink (short crop top, loooong, high-waisted skirt). Ugh! My eyes!!

i don't really think this is the case. i think people use F5 and CA as examples of uniforms that pulled off animal print in a stylish fashion. because the gyms are so well known, their uniforms are ones that many people have seen.
I dont think anyone really uses it will. F5 kinda did in 2010, but im not a big zebra fan either. The only team I have seen it on and liked it was VA Wild, but pretty much all of their uniforms look to small IMO.
i don't really think this is the case. i think people use F5 and CA as examples of uniforms that pulled off animal print in a stylish fashion. because the gyms are so well known, their uniforms are ones that many people have seen.
The posts I'm referring to said they were the "only" teams that could pull it off. I know that people use well known gyms as examples bc it's an easy point of reference, but blanket statements like that are what I'm talking about.
The posts I'm referring to said they were the "only" teams that could pull it off. I know that people use well known gyms as examples bc it's an easy point of reference, but blanket statements like that are what I'm talking about.

Probably should have toned-down my blanket statement then, so I re-phrase: The TYPE of animal print that's ok by me on a uni is similar to that exemplified by CA. And if I'd ever seen it on a uni from a smaller gym, I would have phrased it that way to begin with.

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