As a coach...
How does everyone feel about privates? I love them. I love to do them, and I think the kids benefit greatly from it!
Are CP's who don't have them at a disadvantage? Not a "disadvantage", per say... But, kids who DO take privates have an advantage, if that makes any sense at all. 30 minutes of direct one-on-one time is equivalent to what the athlete is going to be getting in 3-4 regular hour-long classes, depending upon the gym.
How much is too much to pay for a skill? How bad does your CP want that skill? I know of a child at my prior gym who worked for 2 years on her BHS and is now 3 years into working her tuck- no tuck yet, and I believe she is 15 now. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of money that has been spent on those skills, especially knowing that she was doing 2-3 privates a week at some points. She was a great kid everywhere on the scoresheet, but simply couldn't progress her tumbling. She has been on Level 3 teams since she got her bhs, but wants level 4. I guess when you're a parent, you want to feel like you're doing whatever you can to help your kid reach their goals, so they think nothing of dropping tons of money on privates. There should really be a time when a coach can step up and say, I really think this is as high as she can go. IMO
What about the families that can't afford a private? Personally, if a kid really wants them, and I know they can't afford it, I'll do it reduced or free. Pricing at my previous gym was $30 for 30 min... $10 went to the gym, $20 to the instructor. I had a few kids who I did privates with who I only charged the $10 for the gym's share. Most of the time, your coaches are the ones putting in the time, so they're the ones who will bargain with you on prices. (maybe not all, but that's me)
What about families that can't fit them into their busy schedules? I have never seen that be the case. If you're at a gym where your coaches have access to the facility at all times, there is usually someone that can squeeze you in. I've done privates on Saturday nights, Sunday mornings, even 9 or 10pm on weekdays. Money talks lol
Do coaches tend to bond more with the CP's that they work with in a private? In my experience, YES. When you're stretching, you talk about their day and whatever else is on their minds. Then, during the private, you are getting to know everything about them as an athlete- what makes them tick mentally, where their confidence is or isn't, what are their strengths and weaknesses, what frustrates them, what their goals are, etc. I do my best to know all the kids I coach on that kind of level, but that 30 minutes you have with them during privates definitely make it easier:)