We LOVE the cheersport blankets. My son won't usually wear or be seen with anything that says "Cheerleading" on it due to the grief he gets from other middle schoolers about being a male cheerleader. He won't feed the fire. But, he did take his cheersport blanket on the bus to Washington with his group because it's the perfect size and weight for a travel blanket. No idea if he ever took it out.
My daughter likes the KOTJ and Spirit sports backpacks because they're huge. That is her standard "sleepover" luggage because it can fit everything she needs in it (even for a weekend in the summer). She did like the hair bows at KOTJ they were even zebra print so she was down with that.
They love love love hoodies and jackets, not so much tee shirts. My son even wore his SOH jacket incessantly to school a) because it was a nice fleece one and b) it said spirit of hope national champion on it (I really liked those jackets this year) and happily for him didn't say Cheerleading on it anywhere so he was excited and wore it non-stop. Not advocating for it to not say Cheerleading on it, it just worked for him, given the right competition he wouldn't care anyway. We had that talk...me: "so...um....if you win a cheersport jacket, it does say CHEER on it, would you wear THAT to school?" him: "um, c'yeah, what are you crazy?"
We like medals because we have this fabulous brag wall in the bar in the basement with shadowboxed unis, team pics, shelves of trophies and all of their medals hanging (technically) from a drapery rod we have mounted right under one of the trophy shelves. All those medals are actually my favorite part of that wall and I even hung up the ones for some 10ks and the half I just ran.
We did get the garment bags which I actually liked..they'll maybe last a season because they're cheap but it gives me something to hang their new unis in. They were summarily unimpressed with them though.
My only beef if that they need to be gender neutral or separated for girly girl things and manly guy stuff. The American superstars hoodie was very girly with gold flowery print on it and sortof clung like it was fitted. The hair bows are cool but not if you're a guy...I'm not even going to go into the whole tampon thing if you're a male cheerleader. I know guys make up a very small percentage of athletes, but they are important and given what they go through socially just to BE a cheerleader, it would be nice if the EPs showed a little love for our men. Most participant giveaways get an eye roll from my son.
So on the whole, hoodies and jackets-yes, blankets-yes, bookbags, not sling bags, -yes, hair bows-yes (for girls) and be sure to do something gender neutral or separate for guys and girls.