WAIT. The worst participation gift I ever got was from American Cheer and idk if this is what you were taking about but it was a black backpack where you could zip up the straps so its either an awkward one strap or two. It was obviously meant for girls, therefor I got both mine and my brothers (like I even needed ONE of those things) but it was horrible. To this day I still don't know how I'm supposed to wear those things and they must be at least 8 years old. Actually, now that I think about it, ACP gave out quite a few awkward backpacks over the years... I didn't mind t-shirts when I cheered, as long as they were nice. COA had hands down the worst participant t-shirts quite a while ago. I couldn't even try to describe the color of it if I tried. Somewhere between grey, mauve, and brown with a hint of pea soup green... Atrocious. But I must say, the year COA handed out flip flops as participant gifts literally made my life. They were the COMFIEST flip flops I've ever worn, ever. And I wear flip flops all the time. Even in the snow. Funny story though, the same year they handed out flip flops as participant gifts, they handed out gloves, hats and scarves as champion gifts. I don't know the thought process of that or how those two things got handed out together, but I guess COA wants to make sure us Upstate New Yorkers are covered in all sorts of weather. Bless them.
And to anyone who works at COA: If you have anymore of those flip flops hanging around (size 8 or 9), I have about 4 sets of those hats, gloves and scarves I will gladly trade you for some of those flip flops ;) I'll let you think about it, you know where to find me.