I personally am against this but I thought we should do a pro con list so we can keep it to the facts and organized.
1. Helps limit illegal crossovers and age violations
2. Could generate revenue for USASF
1. Problems to deal with, such as kids losing cards right before comps, lost luggage etc. It would definitely happen.
2. Last minute athletes and add ins for injuries would be complicated.
On my last point, the gym I work at added a girl who has never cheered all star before on the level 5 team going for a world's bid this weekend, which under most people's recomendations, would require having a card. This girl could not possibly have one in time, what would happen?
1. Helps limit illegal crossovers and age violations
2. Could generate revenue for USASF
1. Problems to deal with, such as kids losing cards right before comps, lost luggage etc. It would definitely happen.
2. Last minute athletes and add ins for injuries would be complicated.
On my last point, the gym I work at added a girl who has never cheered all star before on the level 5 team going for a world's bid this weekend, which under most people's recomendations, would require having a card. This girl could not possibly have one in time, what would happen?