I am personally not a fan of the 4 or 5 to back for a couple reasons. If you can triple toe back well 5 toe back really isn't that much more difficult. The jump for 2 to 3 is bigger than from 3 to 5. I would rather see two separate series of jumps with some motions and choreography (since lots of routines dont have a motion sequence anymore). So we dont really have to change much to practice more than 3 jumps. Besides, if you do more than 3 jumps you start looking at a solid 1 to 2 eight counts of straight jumping.
There really isn't a fast and effective way to improve jumps. Jumping is a HUGE conditioning exercise. Stretch everyday and jump everyday. Really focus on your arms while jumping. It is something everyone seems to pass over (the entire motion of the arms, not just the 'picture' a jump hits).
I think our specialty is staff and the system we have setup. Any coach is welcome to give advice and help with any team in the gym. We actually will video review all our routines and every coach will comment on them. What they like what they dont. Everyones opinions is respected because we all know whether it is a backwalkover or a whip double punch double we know what good cheerleading should look like. We are also all big cheer nerds and are well aware of our competition in any division. What can I say? We talk all this stuff pretty seriously.