At ACA they made a big announcement about how starting next season all athletes have to be registered with the USASF or they won't be able to compete at USASF sanctioned events. The kids get a monthly magazine and they are going to have all sorts of neat drawings for them. The rep talked about how they are doing this to prevent age abuse in the levels (didn't know it was a problem), and I'm guessing to track crossovers.
As for the actual topic of the thread, it makes sense to me that if we want to be legitimized as a sport we have to get rid of "Susie syndrome" and the psycho cheer mom image we have. This will be a step in the right direction. Now parents will not be able to pull their kids for bogus reasons and slink off into the night, they'll actually have to face the owners and do it properly. It will really make people stop and think before they bail on a gym midseason. My oldest did swimming and when we moved she had to be released from her previous club and then couldn't compete representing her new club for 3 months.
On the other hand there has to be a system of checks and balances in place so desperate gym owners that don't want to lose their only double full to a bigger gym can't block a release. The USASF will have to put something in place so that parents can plead their case so that the USASF can release the child from the gym if need be.