The "other" gym to which she is referring certainly would have placed her on their J5 this season or their J4 in '12-'13 if she came to tryouts equipped with those skills. Both teams were extremely successful, winning several national championships. I'm sure she would have been a great asset.
The reason I'm even referring to these successful track records is because the "other" program has a history of producing winning teams usually comprised of a handful of athletes who don't necessarily have the tumbling to be at that level. Why this woman would choose to bash this in a forum that has nothing to do with this program, or the philosophies of ANY program for that matter, is mind-boggling.
A smaller gym's biggest wish is for new level 5 athletes to walk through the door. Her assertion that this program placed her CP on a level 1/2 team when she had level 4/5 skills at TRYOUTS, especially when there were higher level teams that could have used those skills, is simply untrue.
As another poster mentioned, there is a video of CP on Twinkles this season where she does not tumble at all -- no full, no layout, no jumps to tuck. If she did get all of that level 4/5 tumbling back that she mysteriously lost, I'd be more concerned that it isn't being utilized, especially when her evaluator told her that she is on the fast "route" to the SS.
This forum has taken an ugly turn. CP seems very happy, so who cares if some of her teammates are choosing to quit? If it doesn't affect her passion for the sport, then there shouldn't be any worry about her retiring at a young age. Unfortunately, many athletes do quit when they are not placed on teams that they (or their parents) feel they are entitled to be on. This here is a classic case of mom not having a realistic grasp of CP's skills, and I am afraid that she may be setting herself and her daughter up for disappointment if she doesn't make Starlites next May. Keep working hard!