All-Star Retirement???

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No one demanded a "we don't believe her skills" proof selfie. No fair.

No one needs a video. Too many people know who she is and since she has made her kid's team info and image so public, it is easy to access to her cp's teams' videos online. Sadly, that is one of the perks(?) for constantly touting that your cp cheers for "an undefeated team that won numerous jackets and awards".
Many things shock me about this thread but just how much restraint the grammar nazis have shown (myself included) has to be a fierceboard first. @lifeoftheparty you hit on some of the ones that have been driving me nuts. Thanks!

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OMG YES!!!! :banghead: I was going to post- must.resist.grammar.nazi.urges, but I'm actually trying to read the whole thread first before replying (a first for me and one I obviously failed).

Btw, true Southerners use "howdy", not hey.

PS- I'm totally not an attention seeking PSM who thinks my child is better than yours.

PS, BTW, and PS- you should change your user name to Dr.12stepcheermom. It def has a nice ring to it. ;)
If you were to meet me you would be shocked that I have a hidden love for metal.
I make no attempts to hide mine!! Lol :p
Seriously when my daughter was born she was one of those rare infants who did NOT sleep and/or was soothed by car rides.... UNTIL I blasted (and I mean BLASTED) some Pantera, Korn, TOOL, etc., then she'd chill and stop crying. I cannot tell you how many people were simply stunned to see such a thing!!
was this necessary? smh.
Yes, very much so! Only way to prove the truth it seems on this site is to show-- How better to show, is on the mat .... One thing I noticed, when I am called names it is alright, but when I defend myself, I am called being defensive, I was called a liar and nothing seems to be wrong with that! Let's support the name callers, that is what I am quickly learning around here...[/QUOTE]

OK here it goes-
1). It's just a message board on the internet. You're (apparently) an actual adult and no one is forcing you to stay here, read posts, etc., and for certain no one is forcing you to reply (or "defend" yourself).
2). The kids on the playground can only refrain but for so long before they tell you they don't want to play with you anymore bc you're being obnoxious. Especially when they've consistently tried to play nice from the get go.
3). Contrary to what you believe, the people who've tried to engage you in a thoughtful, well rounded discussion, have been overtly kind and courteous to you. They held their tongues regarding your very poor grammar, which I suspect was done in an attempt to prevent you from feeling like you were being ganged upon (to no avail might I add) and to encourage the perpetuation of the conversation/topic.
4). It is actually quite difficult to read through several paragraphs, post after post, of such severely butchered grammar. I'm sorry but it just is! I'm impressed they've been able to navigate the waters so thoroughly thus far without so much of a peep.
5). You can't expect to play the pity card by saying you've been unfairly treated/judged; when one minute you go from saying people like @Just-a-Mom are accusing you of starting convos just to let us know how super extra special your CP is, to talking about how she got "in trouble" for being late bc people kept wanting her picture, autograph, etc, at a comp the next. :rolleyes:
6). See number one. Again, this is the internet. If you can't handle the discussions that transpire as a result of the things YOU post, or they don't meet your standards, you're not obligated to stay.
@MavsEmma12 if you search youtube "when will my susie tic roc" or "when will my susie kip" you'll find the videos. They are pretty funny!
Seriously one of my all time favs from this board!! I wish someone would do them again- too too funny!!

"well at least I didn't skin a cheetah for my bow' (or something to that effect) cracked me up! I could be wrong, but didn't @ShutItDown do some of those?
Yes it does.

Retirements are something we generally celebrate. The end of a worthwhile endeavor having run it's course and now moving onto other things.

Rather than "quitting" which, to me, just makes you a quitter.

With where my cp14 was, coming back wasn't an option anyway. She was done forever. Hated cheer, hated practice, hated everything about it. Burned out, argued fought us tooth and nail just to finish the season. So in my mind, since she was done forever and throwing away the amazing talent she had, my heart would rather have called her retired than called her a quitter.

Gratefully the love of some very special people have seemingly brought her back from the precipice and given me some hope that my kid is coming back to me. I've missed her.
Yes it does.

Retirements are something we generally celebrate. The end of a worthwhile endeavor having run it's course and now moving onto other things.

Rather than "quitting" which, to me, just makes you a quitter.

With where my cp14 was, coming back wasn't an option anyway. She was done forever. Hated cheer, hated practice, hated everything about it. Burned out, argued fought us tooth and nail just to finish the season. So in my mind, since she was done forever and throwing away the amazing talent she had, my heart would rather have called her retired than called her a quitter.

Gratefully the love of some very special people have seemingly brought her back from the precipice and given me some hope that my kid is coming back to me. I've missed her.
My child quit skating for cheer. She was very talented and it killed me when she decided to stop skating. We had spent a lot of money and time on her skating. She had two coaches, the owner of the rink loved her. But when she started complaining about going to her lessons, and complaining about the amount of time she had to spend practicing it was time to stop. its been a year and we have not stepped foot in the rink, not even to skate for fun. But although I was sad to see her quit she has really embraced the cheer world. its nice to see her eager to go to class and to team practice. She loves going to privates. I see her actually working hard to get more skills which makes me proud. She QUIT skating not retired and we are both happy with the decision.
Woah just read this whole thing...hope this doesn't give you guys a bad view of WC, we're not all like that I swear ;)

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Not at all!! I've said this numerous times, but I don't make assumptions about any program/gym based on a few (key word few) psycho SM or any of their teenage/kid fan base.
My child quit skating for cheer. She was very talented and it killed me when she decided to stop skating. We had spent a lot of money and time on her skating. She had two coaches, the owner of the rink loved her. But when she started complaining about going to her lessons, and complaining about the amount of time she had to spend practicing it was time to stop. its been a year and we have not stepped foot in the rink, not even to skate for fun. But although I was sad to see her quit she has really embraced the cheer world. its nice to see her eager to go to class and to team practice. She loves going to privates. I see her actually working hard to get more skills which makes me proud. She QUIT skating not retired and we are both happy with the decision.
Semantics. Sometimes just used to make you feel better. At the end of the day I find it difficult to relate retiring with anything you are not paid for.
Another sign is when the parent starts to want it more than the child.

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