@yooolizzi @omgitssydthekid Found this from AACCA
At indoor court-type games such as basketball, the following skills may only be performed during pre-game, halftime,
or post-game (not during timeouts) where the area is free of obstructions and non-cheer personnel, and all
skills are performed on a matted surface.
a. Basket tosses, elevator/sponge tosses and other similar multi-based tosses.
b. Partner stunts in which the base uses only one arm to support the top person. Exception: Cupies/awesomes
are allowed with an additional spotter.
c. Flips into or from partner stunts.
d. Inversions. Exception: High school level inversions are allowed. (For example, suspended forward and
backward rolls, low-level inversions, and braced flips with two bracers are allowed. For college, the two
bracers and top person are not required to be double based.
e. Twisting dismounts greater than 1 ¼ rotation. Twisting dismounts up to 1 ¼ rotation on the court require an
additional spotter.
f. Two and one half person high pyramids.
g. Airborne twisting tumbling skills (Arabians, full twisting layouts, etc. Cartwheels, roundoffs and aerial
cartwheels are allowed.)
The above safety rules are general in nature