Here is why I have am issue. Originally you were either small, 20 and under, or large 21 and over ppl had issue with that and thought it unfair for big gyms (like twisters) who could put 36 kids on the floor to be up against teams who may only have 25-30 kids. So the idea was birthed to split the division and level the playing field (at least numbers wise). I thought this was a great idea as it allowed teams of 32 to drop 2 ppl and go med instead of dropping 12 to go small, it completely reverses the system when you have gyms with hundreds of athletes that CHOOSE to compete in the smaller division. I don't know there reason and won't comment on it, I will just say in my fairytale cheer world teams are decided based on the number of lvl 5 athletes in a gym. If ur gym has 31-36 you compete large, 20 or less you compete small 21 to 30 you compete medium. If you have enough to have multiple teams well than that works too. Give as many kids an opportunity to be on the floor as deserve to be there. Point blank, period.