What is so unfair about large programs (like Twisters) who choose a division other than large? Better yet why is it ok for some large programs to have large level 5 teams while others can be small or medium? It seems as though fans have gotten a little overzealous believing that they have the right to hold a program to a particular division for their own personal enjoyment. This is completely unfair and unrealistic. Every year each program graduates athletes, losses athletes dues to other interests, and gains new athletes which obviously dictates the selection process for the upcoming season. Regardless of "Tradition" every gym owner and coach has to right to strategize when selecting divisions for the new season to give their athletes a fair shot at achieving success especially since the tradition factor is theirs and not anyone else's.
A great a example of this theory would be Cheer Athletics! In my opinion they are the epitome of what are large gym/business should be yet they haven't remained traditional to divisions that have made their program famous. The CA Jags were NCA champions 7 years in row making them the most decorated Large Junior team in all star history. After they fell short of number 8 they decided to revamp and choose another division. The same can be said about CA Panthers who have been NCA champions 9 times and World Champions 2 times in the Large Senior division yet they've competed as a small team (World Champions 2011), moving on to medium (World Champions 2012), and now only having returned to the Large Senior for one season (Bronze Medalist). So is it ok for them but not for Twisters? The Stingrays All Stars have been a large program winning the Small Senior division at The Cheerleading Worlds a precedented 6 times yet this upcoming season will only be the second season they've had a large senior team and that's fine? ACE Cheer Company, California All Stars, Charlotte All Stars, East Celebrity Elite, Fame All Stars, Gym Tyme All Stars, ICE All Stars, Texas Lonestar Cheer Company, Top Gun All Stars, and Woodlands Elite are large programs who could field a large senior team yet they don't. Should the be required just because they have the numbers to do so? I think not!
At the end of the day division selection is up to the gym owners and coaches who run the programs. In today's world of rubrics and quantity scoring all star competition has developed so greatly that it requires more than just "Numbers" to field a competitive team than it used to many years. Division changes should be expected and as spectators we need to stop acting like cheerleading is Hollywood. Enjoy the performances for what they are and not for the creation of rivalries & hoopla! The Maryland Twisters F5 have been a large senior team for 15 years faithfully watching many other large gyms change divisions over the years to suit their needs. Now it's time for them to do the same and you can bet your last dollar that they'll still pack a punch, still be fierce as ever, and still rise to the occasion!
Good luck to every All Star program preparing for the upcoming season! May you all be the best you've ever been. I can't wait to watch!