So as the rule stands now, if I am to be understanding this correctly:
*You can leave a gym at any time, for any reason.
*You still are not required to finish paying.
*If you are levels 1-5 you do not need a release UNLESS:
-You competed on a Worlds team after Nov. 1st.
-You are intending to compete on another Worlds team that year.
-That team is preparing to secure a bid and hasn't already.
-The gym hasn't collapsed under the weight of awful scandal.
So, if you are levels 1-4, or did not compete on a Worlds team after Nov. 1st, or your gym is no longer around, you do NOT need a release. You do not need a release to tumble at, practice with, or compete for another program. The only time it matters is if you intend to try to go to Worlds with another team after leaving your first gym. NOW- restricted 5/youth 5/junior 5 teams (the very small percentage of them that there are), if one of them would like to switch to a gym that's going to have a senior 5 team, would THEY need a release? Because they intend to go to Worlds and have competed on a team after Nov. 1st?
I think I'm going to start referring to Halloween as 'The Mass Exodus'. Because I feel like everybody will be switching gyms then because it's the last day they can do it without a release...