kingston here is my question. I (and many others) keep saying that the rule itself is great. All it needs to be perfect is an appeals process (a good, thought out, viable appeals process, not just "Oh, if you don't like the gym owner's decision you can ALWAYS appeal"). But nothing you've said argues against the appeals process. You still just keep pointing out why the rule is good. Pretty much just "It's a rule." And no response as to why the rule can stay, but be improved. We're asking why the rule can't be improved, not why the rule is OK. I think most people see why the rule exists, we just don't understand why it can't be rewritten in a way to be fair to all involved - you know, so the people writing the checks actually have SOME chance.
I was on the phone with
Mamarazzi and I told her I feel like this is the conversation we are having:
Me: I want to paint my sunroom yellow.
You: But it's red.
Me: Yes. But I don't really like the red, so I'm thinking of yellow - you know...still a sunroom, but yellow.
You: But it's red now.
Me: Yes, but if I go buy some yellow paint, I can paint the room and it'll be just right. It'll still be a sunroom, just a yellow one.
You: But it's red.
What's wrong with adding an appeals process - such as the one we've suggested, where the "loser" has to pay the administrative fees so that there is no extra cost associated for the USASF to bear?