What about how sandbagging affects level 1 teams? This is CP's first year and she doesn't have a tumbling background. Close to 90% of her team is also first year athletes. They were crushed by the competition this year, and what I'm slowly picking up on is that many (not all) other level 1 teams we compete against are actually higher-level teams. Not level 5 or anything, but level 2, maybe? They're able to cleanly execute the skills required for level 1 and then some, at any rate.
CP was disappointed in her team's results, as was I. It stinks to invest a lot of money and time in cheer to see your child's team be beaten so soundly. I'm torn because I'd like her to be on a winning (or at least better-scoring) team, but I also recognize that her team is truly level 1.
Have you seen this in your area? Is there a "true" level 1? Is it for novices, or is it meant to be a step up from a prep team (which we don't have at our gym)?