This is precisely right. My younger sister is one of these athletes. She was on the first ever undefeated Youth Elite squad at CEA, then the Junior and Junior Coed Elite teams that won NCA, then moved to the first Senior Elite team that won worlds. She was one of those athletes one the level five team who didn't have a double full (and she's proud to say so). However, like some have stated before, the stunting, jumping, and performance foundation that the youth level 5 division gave her harnessed her talents and refined them into something that was better than "any young athlete who has a double full." Youth age children learn the proper level five grips, stunting techniques, and timing coordination that is necessary to compete with the other powerhouse junior programs once they age-out. Without the youth level 5 division the junior level 5 divisions will suffer because these children will not have had years of perfecting the elite level techniques that are provided through the youth division and gyms will have to focus on giving level five training to 'green' junior five kids.
And as far as "not having anything to look forward to" is concerned, these children thrive on the thrill of one day being on that senior team that fights for a world title. While they are on youth and juniors the ultimate goal is to win national championships, whether they win year after year or not. Some of these children are just proud to showcase their skills because they are just that- CHILDREN, who happen to be excited about their talent and want to showcase it to the best of their abilities. Imagine the swell of pride some of these athletes have today knowing they are on one of the very few youth level five teams in the industry! That confidence carries out into their life past the boundaries of the cheerleading floor.