All-Star Saw My Gym On A Popular Tv Show....

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Ok but really. Can someone summarize the video for those of us who missed it? Thanks =)


Sabrina. Anandi

Sabrina : My friend owns a gym that helps inner city youth. I am going to go and visit it with my camera crew, to see in what capacity I can not be useful.
Anandi: I love the inner city. And I love Youth



Cori: this is my gym! See all of the poor inner city black children I am helping (insert footage of Gabi doubling out of a stunt)

(insert footage of a black male tumbling onto a crash mat)

Sabrina: Wow. I used to be able to do that!


Sabrina: No... but I'm black, and my teenage daughter loves the inner city. Shes black too! I should mentor all of these poor black kids and show them what its like to be "rich", fabulous and on a D list Reality show. I'd rather be on Real Housewives...but I take what I can get... NeNe is so great...wait, what were you saying Cori?

Cori: I said great, please mentor my poor black inner city kids, that manage to pay 1000's a year for all star cheerleading....despite being poor and black. They're such survivors!

end scene.

That may or may not be exactly how it went down.... but this is how I like to pretend that I saw it.

I'm not understanding the "racist" stuff with the blonde girl from the I did not watch the entire clip...

Sabrina. Anandi

Sabrina : My friend owns a gym that helps inner city youth. I am going to go and visit it with my camera crew, to see in what capacity I can not be useful.
Anandi: I love the inner city. And I love Youth



Cori: this is my gym! See all of the poor inner city black children I am helping (insert footage of Gabi doubling out of a stunt)

(insert footage of a black male tumbling and doing a crash mat)

Sabrina: Wow. I used to be able to do that!


Sabrina: No... but I'm black, and my teenage daughter loves the inner city. Shes black too! I should mentor all of these poor black kids and show them what its like to be "rich", fabulous and on a D list Reality show. I'd rather be on Real Housewives...but I take what I can get... NeNe is so great...wait, what were you saying Cori?

Cori: I said great, please mentor my poor black inner city kids, that manage to pay 1000's a year for all star cheerleading....despite being poor and black. They're such survivors!

end scene.

That may or may not be exactly how it went down.... but this is how I like to pretend that I saw it.

I'm not understanding the "racist" stuff with the blonde girl from the I did not watch the entire clip...
Dying over this "summary". I didn't watch the whole clip earlier either when it was still up, kind of wish I had, but I did see all of the above.
Yay. Someone just clued me into the rest of the clip

Meet Katie and Diana:


Kate... Diana (don't be confused... Katie is the mom... Diana is the old looking daughter) Diana cheers at a gym I shall not name because we already know

(The women meet up at the country club aka the focal point of this awful show)

Sabrina: So I'm (we are) mentoring poor inner city black kids at Trinity
Katie: Ewww not Trinity. Those kids are pooor... and black... have you ever met poor black people before? Its documented that in Johns Creek where the average house hold income is 137,000, that crime went up as soon as Trinity opened... I'm not saying but I'm just saying.
Sabrina: Oh so like they're poor and black? girl that is something to think about...
Katie: Yes, girl....Those kids have had to be rescued from police stations before! They aren't used to being around people with money
Sabrina: ohhhh so they're like poor and not rich too? Like I can't
Katie: GIRL YES! They're poor and on scholarships and like the rich people have to pay... I know of a different gym you could.....
Sabrina: Errmagah... is poor contagious? (looks horrified... fans self)
Katie: yes, but there a vaccine for that now.

( enter Erin... that's me... I show up)

Sabrina and Katie: Hey Erin


This is just what I heard happened. Don't quote me on it.

Sabrina. Anandi

Sabrina : My friend owns a gym that helps inner city youth. I am going to go and visit it with my camera crew, to see in what capacity I can not be useful.
Anandi: I love the inner city. And I love Youth



Cori: this is my gym! See all of the poor inner city black children I am helping (insert footage of Gabi doubling out of a stunt)

(insert footage of a black male tumbling onto a crash mat)

Sabrina: Wow. I used to be able to do that!


Sabrina: No... but I'm black, and my teenage daughter loves the inner city. Shes black too! I should mentor all of these poor black kids and show them what its like to be "rich", fabulous and on a D list Reality show. I'd rather be on Real Housewives...but I take what I can get... NeNe is so great...wait, what were you saying Cori?

Cori: I said great, please mentor my poor black inner city kids, that manage to pay 1000's a year for all star cheerleading....despite being poor and black. They're such survivors!

end scene.

That may or may not be exactly how it went down.... but this is how I like to pretend that I saw it.

I'm not understanding the "racist" stuff with the blonde girl from the I did not watch the entire clip...
Thanks. There is diet coke in my nose now. :)
If someone can instruct me how to get the video from my iPhone to here I will share the segment from the restaurant. The video refreshed and the gym segment was lost before I could capture it. Honestly with the exception of the presumption by the gym owner that AA kids needed an AA mentor cause they would listen to them better than to her I was not so offended by that segment. I do realize how reality shows twist the truths and edit the film for maximum dramarama however the segment in the restaurant where the mom of the gyms ex-athlete is blatantly stating as fact that the kids are criminals and that one of the "top athletes was arrested for shoplifting" just left my jaw on the floor. The combination of watching the first segment where the gym owner is showing her prospective mentor her level 5 top team practicing and the second segment where the mom says "Honey they brought the crime with them" and "one of the top athletes was arrested for shoplifting" leaves a clear inference to the viewer that the kids shown practicing are possibly up to nefarious activities. I don't blame the network for taking the video down.
Yay. Someone just clued me into the rest of the clip

Meet Katie and Diana:


Kate... Diana (don't be confused... Katie is the mom... Diana is the old looking daughter) Diana cheers at a gym I shall not name because we already know

(The women meet up at the country club aka the focal point of this awful show)

Sabrina: So I'm (we are) mentoring poor inner city black kids at Trinity
Katie: Ewww not Trinity. Those kids are pooor... and black... have you ever met poor black people before? Its documented that in Johns Creek where the average house hold income is 137,000, that crime went up as soon as Trinity opened... I'm not saying but I'm just saying.
Sabrina: Oh so like they're poor and black? girl that is something to think about...
Katie: Yes, girl....Those kids have had to be rescued from police stations before! They aren't used to being around people with money
Sabrina: ohhhh so they're like poor and not rich too? Like I can't
Katie: GIRL YES! They're poor and on scholarships and like the rich people have to pay... I know of a different gym you could.....
Sabrina: Errmagah... is poor contagious? (looks horrified... fans self)
Katie: yes, but there a vaccine for that now.

( enter Erin... that's me... I show up)

Sabrina and Katie: Hey Erin


This is just what I heard happened. Don't quote me on it.

I'm mad I didn't watch the whole clip! Now I'm gonna be forced to watch this god awful show on sunday.
I'm mad I didn't watch the whole clip! Now I'm gonna be forced to watch this god awful show on sunday.

Yeah I hate I cut it off too. I thought the gym portion was it. I wonder what tipped them off to take it down. Maybe the Style network has google alert for the show and they found the thread... or maybe somebody is lurkin'
I'm putting my money on a lurker.
I'm envisioning a conference call between the gym owner and the network show producer identifying each athlete shown in the gym segment and double checking to make sure all the I's are dotted and the T's crossed on their image release forms. Perhaps even a consultation with the networks attorney to verify the survivability of said form for any athlete shown in the clip that may not actively be training at the gym currently. :)
MamaMya04 I'm sorry :( I truly am. Know that whatever decision you make, will be the right one. If leaving this gym is the decision, there are any number of gyms you can go to that will welcome her with open arms. If staying is the decision, know that everything you hear and read should always be taken with a grain of salt. Best wishes to you and your daughter with whatever comes next.
As you can see by my avatar, I am African American. I take offense to any implied notion that I am from the 'ghetto' or my child is an 'inner city kid'. The audacity of some rich woman who probably hasn't worked a day in her life inferring that crime has gone up because I (or any other person of color) am now frequenting her area is offensive and ignorant to say the least.

You are my new favorite.

I live in NOVA which anyway you look at it is one of the affluent areas in the country. However, it's assumed that in my county, the area where the bulk of minorities go to school and live is behind the ball to the rest of the town. We are where the crime is. When in reality it's all made up in their suburban minds. We live in a low crime rate community, the most being robberies throughout the county. It is so bad, our rival high school threatened a 'brown out' when we played them in a district basketball game, and alluded that we only win because our team is mostly black (we did beat them 82-42). This only based on one event. Many believe at our school there are fights, and most people are failing. To see this type of behavior being documented just really makes me wonder if this is really just for TV.
MamaMya04 I'm sorry :( I truly am. Know that whatever decision you make, will be the right one. If leaving this gym is the decision, there are any number of gyms you can go to that will welcome her with open arms. If staying is the decision, know that everything you hear and read should always be taken with a grain of salt. Best wishes to you and your daughter with whatever comes next.
You are my new favorite.

I live in NOVA which anyway you look at it is one of the affluent areas in the country. However, it's assumed that in my county, the area where the bulk of minorities go to school and live is behind the ball to the rest of the town. We are where the crime is. When in reality it's all made up in their suburban minds. We live in a low crime rate community, the most being robberies throughout the county. It is so bad, our rival high school threatened a 'brown out' when we played them in a district basketball game, and alluded that we only win because our team is mostly black (we did beat them 82-42). This only based on one event. Many believe at our school there are fights, and most people are failing. To see this type of behavior being documented just really makes me wonder if this is really just for TV.

I'm from NOVA. I know the county you're referring to because I was born there. It's a shame that to this day, it still comes down to race and stereotypes.

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