Depending on your symptoms and if you elect to take medications, high levels of All Star Cheer could present a lot of challenges for you. The side effects of most of the medicaitons include rapid heart beat, extreme drowsiness and dizziness, all of which would be tricky while trying to stunt and tumble. These are also frequently side effects of some ADHD medicaitons, and I have personally known people who take these meds and do fine in all star cheer. But keep in mind, that when you ask a doctor if you can cheer, he/she will most likely not know what is entailed in Allstar as compared to "side line" cheer and you will want to make sure that they know what the differences are. Also make sure to mention what is stated above regarding flashing lights, pounding music, overstimulation etc... so you can be sure if any of them are triggers for you. If you choose to take medications, they may suggest you take some time to adjust before starting anything new.