My first choice would be to make the score breakdowns absolutely public. I would even be happy with just listing the averages of every number written down on each scoresheet. (example: show the average stunt execution score for a team, rather than each score from Judge A, Judge B, Judge C.) I do not necessarily think that comments should be public. (I find them to be incredibly generic, repetitive, and rarely helpful anyway.)
My next choice would be for only coaches/programs that have teams at the event see them. After that, I could see only making them available to coaches within that particular division. (However, this gives larger programs a significant advantage, IMO)
I plead, beg, cajole, and generally annoy event producers every time I see them because of how strongly I feel on this issue. Some are slowly coming around to the idea (Varsity), others are not.
Perhaps it would help if we gave an analogy that let them see the situation from our point of view.
Picture an event producer calling a gym owner a few days after an event, wanting to follow up with them about how their weekend went. The gym owner gives a few vague comments about how they liked most things and maybe gave a general suggestion or two about how they thought the event could be a little better.
Event producer asks: "So, can we look forward to seeing you guys next year?"
Awkward pause.
Gym owner: "No, I don't think so."
EP: "I'm sorry, do you mind telling me why not? We really enjoyed seeing your teams here this year, and you just said that you liked most of the things we did."
GO: "Well, we just like some other events better than yours."
EP: "Ok . . . we are always looking to make our events better - do you mind telling me where we are falling short? If someone else is doing something better than we are, we would like to know - maybe we can adjust what we do to improve our event."
GO: "I do mind, actually. The other event producers might be upset if we let you know why we picked them over you."
EP: "Umm . . . So, was it the price? What if we gave out better awards? Was one of our staff members rude?"
GO: "Sorry, we can't tell you that. I will tell you that it the decision was REALLY close - that should make you feel better, right? You just need to work a little harder and maybe we will come back one year."
Would the event producer be happy with how that conversation went? Would they want to know more?