All-Star Secret Diary Of An American Cheerleader

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Actually, maybe we SHOULD discuss it (perhaps not in this thread). I'm a firm believer that discussing things helps to get to the root of things (Yeah, how's that abstinence-only education working out for you, Tennessee? Still have one of the highest-teen pregnancy rates and one of the worst states for rape victims? Clearly it's fantastic). Race/Ethnicity/Class is something we constantly think we're past and so we sweep it under the rug without actually talking about why we feel the way we feel.
The best way to address problems is talk them out. Only through discussion and education do we all get better.

Want me to start a thread in Allstar?
Another random point to throw out into the race discussion: Competitive cheerleading is EXPENSIVE. Thousands of dollars a year, every year. The minorities are generally more poverty stricken than Caucasians, which is of course not true all of the time but I do believe statistically it's true. Therefore, if the minorities are more likely to be in poverty, wouldn't they be less likely to be able to afford the cost of cheerleading? And if that's true, wouldn't that make less of them, thus diluting the diversity of the sport as a whole?
Actually, maybe we SHOULD discuss it (perhaps not in this thread). I'm a firm believer that discussing things helps to get to the root of things (Yeah, how's that abstinence-only education working out for you, Tennessee? Still have one of the highest-teen pregnancy rates and one of the worst states for rape victims? Clearly it's fantastic). Race/Ethnicity/Class is something we constantly think we're past and so we sweep it under the rug without actually talking about why we feel the way we feel.
Off subject- sorry everyone

Well since you brought up Tennessee and I was born and raised there, and you brought up teen pregnancy and that was me to at 16 I have to disagree.

Just because Tennessee may have a high teenage pregnancy rate and just because studies show that abstinence only sex education is not effective I still disagree. No class could of saved me and many others I know. I not only knew about abstinence but I knew about birth control and other forms of contraceptive. I would really like to know the number of kids under abstinence only sex education that got pregnant but because of the education system did not know other ways to prevent it. My guess is it is slim to none! If you are old enough to lay down with the dogs then your old enough to educate yourself. There is plenty of educational tools especially in this day and time.

It was my choice not to use them and I got pregnant. I always knew it could happen but I never thought it would happen to me. I think the reason kids are having babies is because the parents. I'm not saying parent are at fault here and parents are to blame because everyone is different.

Maybe just maybe it starts when they are younger...
I was doing it because I did not care about myself.
I did not care because no one ever made me feel like I was worth anything. I had low self esteem because people use to talk about me .... Of all the things in the world the only thing people could say about me was "oh you have a lazy eye, who are you looking at because I can't tell"..
No one could say I was fat, no one could say I was ugly, no one could say I was poor. However people picked and picked and picked on me because I had a lazy eye that I had surgery on that never got fixed. So because of these people I felt even more like nothing.
I had almost no supervision and came and went as I pleased.
I hung out with guys who made me feel a heck of a lot better then anyone else made me feel even if it was only lies.

So we can also bury the blame on a lot of things. Wether it be parents, relationships, bullies, but instead let's place the blame on TN because they promote abstinence only. I don't think so.

FYI no I'm not blaming anyone for my actions and I definitely don't condone it but I wouldn't trade my beautiful daughter for anything!
Here's a new promo pic from the show.

Not sure of the plot or how this fits in. Makes me a bit uneasy with the stereotype cheerleaders often get.
Off subject- sorry everyone
FYI no I'm not blaming anyone for my actions and I definitely don't condone it but I wouldn't trade my beautiful daughter for anything!
Tennessee was my choice more for the fact they recently passed the 'Gateway Sexual Activity' law- which bans sex-ed classes from discussing anything other than kissing and hand-holding (and also their rape statistics which are of greater interest in the current climate for women). Their thought being that by not discussing 'gateway activity', children will not be exposed to it and therefore won't do it.

Studies have shown the direct correlation between states with abstinence-only programs and high teen preg rates/STD rates. But you're right. There are some people for whom that information means nothing (just ask my bff's sister who had her baby two weeks ago- at 19. Because she refuses to use protection..). And that's sad. But do I believe not saying ANYTHING is the answer? Heck no. Being the oldest girl in my drama group, I was the 'Mom' that people came to if there was a problem or they had a question. Including these types because they knew they could trust me for REAL info and not be embarrassed..but you're right in that the information SHOULD come from the parents. Although I believe it's parents voting in these laws anyway :rolleyes:

(I'm also terribly sad about your situation and how it came to be- but you're an awesome mom with a wonderful daughter and I love you anyway!)
Tennessee was my choice more for the fact they recently passed the 'Gateway Sexual Activity' law- which bans sex-ed classes from discussing anything other than kissing and hand-holding (and also their rape statistics which are of greater interest in the current climate for women). Their thought being that by not discussing 'gateway activity', children will not be exposed to it and therefore won't do it.

Studies have shown the direct correlation between states with abstinence-only programs and high teen preg rates/STD rates. But you're right. There are some people for whom that information means nothing (just ask my bff's sister who had her baby two weeks ago- at 19. Because she refuses to use protection..). And that's sad. But do I believe not saying ANYTHING is the answer? Heck no. Being the oldest girl in my drama group, I was the 'Mom' that people came to if there was a problem or they had a question. Including these types because they knew they could trust me for REAL info and not be embarrassed..but you're right in that the information SHOULD come from the parents. Although I believe it's parents voting in these laws anyway :rolleyes:

(I'm also terribly sad about your situation and how it came to be- but you're an awesome mom with a wonderful daughter and I love you anyway!)

Lol I wasn't just singling you out I only addressed it because well that was me. I think they should talk about it and the whole just because we don't expose them to it they won't do it nonsense is crazy. So I definitely agree with you I just know the blame comes from more places then that alone. Haha

But thank you I appreciate that!:)

I promise I'm done.. Y'all can get back to racial issues now. Lol
Ok I'm from Tennessee and am only 19 so I can tell you first hand, it doesn't matter what they teach you it's still going to happen. Media these days makes it a constant thing in your mind and quite frankly it's a natural thing so if your not educated on how not to get pregnant then your most likely going to get pregnant. Saying that teaching abstinence only is going to not put the thought in your mind is ridiculous cause all you have to do is flip on over to abc family latest teen show and find sex everywhere!! sometimes I think abc family does a better job of teaching kids how not to get pregnant. I am a bit ashamed that my state could be so closed minded to think that.

Just because you don't teach it, doesn't mean it won't happen. It's a natural thing, and if your nor educated your more vulnerable..