Parents are what keeps this sport going - so like has been said above, if you want change you have to demand it. They're not going to come on fierceboard and say "WHAT!?! IT WAS CROWDED?? And the parents who couldn't get in were mad? You don't say... " It's going to take more action than this.
Does anyone know (
ACEDAD maybe you?) if this is something they are even working on? Seems like it comes up every year, everyone gets all in an uproar, usasf says nothing, and the next year its the same. And despite how often it gets brought up, the venue stays the same, the contracts get renewed, and nothing is fixed. If the venue can't be changed (which I refuse to believe but that's a whole separate issue) then are they even working on something for crowd control and getting the parents in? Like I said, this is brought up every year, so it's not like they just found out yesterday.
Uuuggghh. This makes me more mad every year than any results.