I disagree. And I think USASF is shooting themselves in the foot because they will NOT realize that to grow the sport you have to grow SPECTATORS not just athletes/families. The days of families agreeing to pay more and more to support the sport are basically over; at least at a level to continue growth.
What Worlds HAS done over the last 9 years is begin to develop a core of spectators that love the sport and will likely support it for years to come, if the USASF doesn't screw it up.
What if we had a venue that would support 20,000 easily? In a place that didn't require hundreds of dollars to Disney? Where they could charge $50 a day instead of $25, but people wouldn't mind so much because most of them weren't spending a fortune outside of the tickets?
With the right growth plan and a focus on customer (read spectator not family) service, they might even be able to grow it to where competition fees could actually be reduced! Amazing!