Ohhhhh if only he could list a whip whip Arabian double :D Brag moment...he's got a 4.75 GPA (weighted, unweighted it's a 4.0)
When we first moved I kept it low key because it was obvious (from the barrage of questions and messages) people were thinking there was some great big dramatic story about why he left Coed Elite but there isn't one. It was all very undramatic.
He loved that team and still does. There was no drama, it was only that his dream of getting into the Academy and being a fighter pilot for the USAF took precedence. He's been committed to this since he was 6 (I'm seriously not kidding about that) and now that it's crunch time, he didn't want anything to get in the way. I think that hit him in the middle of the tryout process and knowing it was his junior year (and for the academy you actually apply in the spring of your junior year...not senior) and on the way home in our two hour drive he called one of his former teammates (my carpool baby from last year at Navarro/SOT now), his dad, his coach he's now back with because they had remained close and his non-cheer BFF. I just drove home quietly and listened. But they were good conversations, he thought everything through as an adult, considered all sides and by about 80 miles into the drive had made his decision. We "resigned" from the gym when we got home and he went to tryouts at CA Charlotte (only 24 minutes away) the next day fully aware that he might only make a restricted team since his double was inconsistent at that point. He was willing to accept that.
But in the end, he can coed stunt, has a standing full and hit his doubles at tryouts so he made the RoyalCats and it all worked out.
So there's the "juicy" story I've never told (not that there's any juice to it, I think that's the general assumption sometimes with CEA and they don't deserve that) for why he left. It's the most mature, adult decision I've seen him make and he did it entirely on his own. It was a proud mom moment.
And I cannot complain AT ALL that when we get out of practice at 9:45 now were home by 10:15 rather than after midnight after the gas and Sheetz run. He may not make it as far at worlds as he did last year, but he'll trade that for making it father in his college/career goals. #happymom