I wish the US put more of an emphasis in learning at least a second language as well. When I was in school, NY was wacky and had a few different high school diplomas. It might be different now but each diploma had different test requirements (mainly in math and language/music/arts).
Again, when I was in school, everyone started in 7th and were required to do a LOTE class (Language Other Than English) into 8th. At the end of 8th, you were required to take the state LOTE proficiency exam and pass to graduate. Those two years count as 1 credit even though they were both full year classes.
You could stop there and that met the language requirement for the Regents Diploma but if you wanted the Advanced Regents Diploma you had to take 2 more credits of LOTE (anything past the proficiency exam was 1 credit per year). So if you wanted the the Advanced one, you had to graduate with 4 years worth of LOTE. (There were other ways to get the advanced diploma without the language requirement but most just did the language requirement.)
At the end of the 4th year (10th grade) you took the LOTE Regents exam. And then you could continue taking LOTE until 12th.
So I graduated with 6 years of German and I am so happy I continued with it until graduation. I tested out of my college LOTE requirement the first week of classes freshman year.
I've been looking for community night classes in my area for German because I want to brush up on it but have been unsuccessful in finding something close. Recently, I've started buying short books in German from the thrift store and translating them into English because I'd love to get back to the level of proficiency I was at in high school and become more fluent in it.
People who can fluently speak multiple languages make me feel inadequate in life lol.