OT So Fuller House???

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I think Disney is mostly okay in the cartoon type shows, but the second you hit the tween/teen stuff no way, no how.
Interesting... I never watched any of the current Disney tween stuff.. The kids all seem WAY too hyper for me... And (yes, this coming from a Gibbler fan) very poorly dressed. It's like these kids grabbed every color, texture, and layer imaginable... Put it ALL on at once THEN added Sequins
Now... I'm not trying to play political police or anything (but I kinda am, lol) one never knows or actually has the right to criticize the personal beliefs of another... Especially when it comes to religion. It's important we stay mindful that Candice Cameron or a fellow fierce boarder were Muslim, Cathloic, Christian... Scientologist...Believer of nothing (whatever)... Believes something that is THEIR belief.. And until we live in THEIR household and live their life who are WE to criticize their actions or their behavior. One might express fellowship of Christianity but it most certainly doesn't imply "perfection". As a society, we often speak of stripping away stereotypes for one thing while imposing new stereotypes for others. Stating that we need to open our eyes to not offending one group while we offend another. Not saying this because I'm some big Candice fan...or because I stand behind anything she stands behind or doesn't stand behind....but as a fan of ALL people... Perhaps we can keep religion out of the thread, take it back to the show ...?

And sorry.. Don't know why I responded to you, this was a general statement
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Okay someone pm about these cringe worthy stuff you all are talking about. I don't have Netflix so I will not be watching anytime soon.
I Just started watching it Yesterday. I'm surprised the majority of the main characters are still doing the show. What upsets me is that Michelle is not back :( I feel like Michelle as a baby is what made that show!
Interesting... I never watched any of the current Disney tween stuff.. The kids all seem WAY too hyper for me... And (yes, this coming from a Gibbler fan) very poorly dressed. It's like these kids grabbed every color, texture, and layer imaginable... Put it ALL on at once THEN added Sequence.
Now... I'm not trying to play political police or anything (but I kinda am, lol) one never knows or actually has the right to criticize the personal beliefs of another... Especially when it comes to religion. It's important we stay mindful that Candice Cameron or a fellow fierce boarder were Muslim, Cathloic, Christian... Scientologist...Believer of nothing (whatever)... Believes something that is THEIR belief.. And until we live in THEIR household and live their life who are WE to criticize their actions or their behavior. One might express fellowship of Christianity but it most certainly doesn't imply "perfection". As a society, we often speak of stripping away stereotypes for one thing while imposing new stereotypes for others. Stating that we need to open our eyes to not offending one group while we offend another. Not saying this because I'm some big Candice fan...or because I stand behind anything she stands behind or doesn't stand behind....but as a fan of ALL people... Perhaps we can keep religion out of the thread, take it back to the show ...?

And sorry.. Don't know why I responded to you, this was a general statement
Sequence? Explain.

I will judge anyone who uses the abusive techniques of the Pearls/Ezzo. It is not a "religious" thing; it is a child abuse thing.
Sequence? Explain.

I will judge anyone who uses the abusive techniques of the Pearls/Ezzo. It is not a "religious" thing; it is a child abuse thing.

1. On Disney Chanel the kids wear tons of layers.. Then they add sequins, rhinestones ... Some kind of bling element to the outfit...

2. Explain to me where you heard or knew for a fact that she expressed she follows Pearls/Ezzo
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Sequence? Explain.

I will judge anyone who uses the abusive techniques of the Pearls/Ezzo. It is not a "religious" thing; it is a child abuse thing.
Because if we are going to get into the blog post about her version of following "pearls and Ezzo" was bottom "spanking" and taking away her kids cell phone for 2 days... I hardly think she's a true advocate of the practice and far from a Duggar, but hey... Judge on.
I don't understand how someone can dislike this show so much but have no problem watching it & picking out everything they hate about it. I get not everyone is going to like every show but it seems like people are trying to justify why they should like or dislike this show. Maybe I'm too simple I watch a show and either I like it or I don't. I wouldn't go past one episode if I don't like something but that's me.
However since someone mentioned it. I love Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. New season comes out next month & I can't wait.

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I don't understand how people take discussion of a fictional television show so personally. Maybe be its my profession but I read and watch plenty of things I don't like (or agree with ) for the sake of viewers and readers advisory.....so no watching the first 4 or so episodes of less than 30 minutes show wasn't exactly a harrowing experience. I survived, just like I survived the Jem movie. (Also I suppose you all have never heard that it takes more than one try to form an opinion about something whether it be food or a movie )

But I'm also sure that both @SL&AM and I are adults that pay for our own Netflix accounts....so what we do with them are our own will

But also I think it's weird that people can't have an open discussion about something without taking a dissenting opinion personal. It's a discussion and nobody should or will agree.

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I don't understand how people take discussion of a fictional television show so personally. Maybe be its my profession but I read and watch plenty of things I don't like (or agree with ) for the sake of viewers and readers advisory.....so no watching the first 4 or so episodes of less than 30 minutes show wasn't exactly a harrowing experience. I survived, just like I survived the Jem movie. (Also I suppose you all have never heard that it takes more than one try to form an opinion about something whether it be food or a movie )

But I'm also sure that both @SL&AM and I are adults that pay for our own Netflix accounts....so what we do with them are our own will

But also I think it's weird that people can't have an open discussion about something without taking a dissenting opinion personal. It's a discussion and nobody should or will agree.

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Shimmies to everything above!

If you're wondering why I finished watching the first season even though I largely disliked it the answer is rather simply---I couldn't not finish it. This goes for nearly everything I watch or read, like it or not I'm going to finish it. Now that doesn't mean I'll be watching Season 2, but I can at least say I finished Season 1.

I'd also like to point out who the OP of this thread is and why I find it troubling that anyone would think people can't express themselves openly regardless of the side they're on. Of course I didn't realize how much I'd end up hating Season 1 of Fuller House when I asked who was binging on it. I had higher hopes for it, but the show crashed and burned into a pile of nothingness.

As for the comment on religious freedom; I have your back on that UNTIL you advocate for the abuse of children. I really don't care what Candace does in her own life because I'd like to believe she's not a monster, that said, those who look to her for advice and went out to buy that book can easily be turned into one. When the 'parenting methods' causes the DEATH of multiple children, perhaps it's time to use your brain and find a different book to pimp out on your blog. I also don't have much respect for people who post about their feelings, what they think is right, and so forth but then delete it when the going gets rough. That is exactly what she did though; she got thrown some heat and deleted the blog post. Also, fwiw, people like Candace are far more dangerous than the Duggars---her fame will never fall below theirs and she reaches a much bigger audience.
Interesting... I never watched any of the current Disney tween stuff.. The kids all seem WAY too hyper for me... And (yes, this coming from a Gibbler fan) very poorly dressed. It's like these kids grabbed every color, texture, and layer imaginable... Put it ALL on at once THEN added Seqinse
Now... I'm not trying to play political police or anything (but I kinda am, lol) one never knows or actually has the right to criticize the personal beliefs of another... Especially when it comes to religion. It's important we stay mindful that Candice Cameron or a fellow fierce boarder were Muslim, Cathloic, Christian... Scientologist...Believer of nothing (whatever)... Believes something that is THEIR belief.. And until we live in THEIR household and live their life who are WE to criticize their actions or their behavior. One might express fellowship of Christianity but it most certainly doesn't imply "perfection". As a society, we often speak of stripping away stereotypes for one thing while imposing new stereotypes for others. Stating that we need to open our eyes to not offending one group while we offend another. Not saying this because I'm some big Candice fan...or because I stand behind anything she stands behind or doesn't stand behind....but as a fan of ALL people... Perhaps we can keep religion out of the thread, take it back to the show ...?

And sorry.. Don't know why I responded to you, this was a general statement
YES about the clothing, LMAO! I think it's because the shows are really geared toward 7-12 y/o kids. Kind of like how commercials for Bratz dolls feature 14 and 15 y/o girls playing with the toys, since kids tend to look up to their older counterparts.

I miss old Disney :(
Shimmies to everything above!

If you're wondering why I finished watching the first season even though I largely disliked it the answer is rather simply---I couldn't not finish it. This goes for nearly everything I watch or read, like it or not I'm going to finish it. Now that doesn't mean I'll be watching Season 2, but I can at least say I finished Season 1.

I'd also like to point out who the OP of this thread is and why I find it troubling that anyone would think people can't express themselves openly regardless of the side they're on. Of course I didn't realize how much I'd end up hating Season 1 of Fuller House when I asked who was binging on it. I had higher hopes for it, but the show crashed and burned into a pile of nothingness.

As for the comment on religious freedom; I have your back on that UNTIL you advocate for the abuse of children. I really don't care what Candace does in her own life because I'd like to believe she's not a monster, that said, those who look to her for advice and went out to buy that book can easily be turned into one. When the 'parenting methods' causes the DEATH of multiple children, perhaps it's time to use your brain and find a different book to pimp out on your blog. I also don't have much respect for people who post about their feelings, what they think is right, and so forth but then delete it when the going gets rough. That is exactly what she did though; she got thrown some heat and deleted the blog post. Also, fwiw, people like Candace are far more dangerous than the Duggars---her fame will never fall below theirs and she reaches a much bigger audience.
Hold your horses there, I do NOT advocate for child abuse... (Nor do I advocate for Pears/Ezzo) So calling you out on that one...(and if you knew anything about me you'd know I spent years working in youth services in a critically impoverished area before I got back into coaching and saw some of the worst mental a physical abuse you've ever seen in your life) If you look at my post I don't talk anything about what I personally believe or don't believe in... Parenting wise... I'm just pointing out the stark difference between what "Pearls/Ezzo" describe as appropriate and what Candice Cameron describes as appropriate measures of punishment for her children and as for having open discussions on threads and not getting offended... I'm all for it... But this a thread about a TV show... I came on here to talk about the TV show... Which I happen to like.... And it's cool if some don't like it. THAT is what this thread is about. If we want to talk about politics, parenting or religion... Start a new thread... (Those who do or do not want to venture there can or can not get offended there)
Hold your horses there, I do NOT advocate for child abuse... (Nor do I advocate for Pears/Ezzo) So calling you out on that one...(and if you knew anything about me you'd know I spent years working in youth services in a critically impoverished area before I got back into coaching and saw some of the worst mental a physical abuse you've ever seen in your life) If you look at my post I don't talk anything about what I personally believe or don't believe in... Parenting wise... I'm just pointing out the stark difference between what "Pearls/Ezzo" describe as appropriate and what Candice Cameron describes as appropriate measures of punishment for her children and as for having open discussions on threads and not getting offended... I'm all for it... But this a thread about a TV show... I came on here to talk about the TV show... Which I happen to like. If we want to talk about politics, parenting or religion... Start a new thread... (Those who do or do not want to venture there can or can not get offended there)


You does not always mean you the person, you in that sentence meant the actress. My comment was 99% about Candace her HER advocacy not yours, I was simply agreeing with you about the religious freedom concept you originally wrote about. Let me rephrase, "I can get behind your statement on religious freedom UNTIL Candace advocated for books that sanction and have been used to commit child abuse." Better now?

As for your final point, this is Fierceboard---anything can and will derail a thread because it could and did until the end of time. Does a thread I started about a specific TV show become derailed because of the main actress really seem like that far of a stretch? Maybe I'm cynical, but around here, I kinda expect this type of stuff.

You does not always mean you the person, you in that sentence meant the actress. My comment was 99% about Candace her HER advocacy not yours, I was simply agreeing with you about the religious freedom concept you originally wrote about. Let me rephrase, "I can get behind your statement on religious freedom UNTIL Candace advocated for books that sanction and have been used to commit child abuse." Better now?

As for your final point, this is Fierceboard---anything can and will derail a thread because it could and did until the end of time. Does a thread I started about a specific TV show become derailed because of the main actress really seem like that far of a stretch? Maybe I'm cynical, but around here, I kinda expect this type of stuff.
My apologies... everything about this post is correct

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