All-Star Soreness!

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Sep 26, 2024
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I recently just recovered from a broken arm and started being thrown right back into full outs etc. I have practice monday- friday for 2+ hours each day and have been exhausted on day one. I don’t know how i’m going to make it through conditioning and really hard practices that are 4+ hours this week. Any tips on how to be less sore?
When you were cleared, did your dr. know exactly what cheer practice and full outs entail? Often, they will provide PT 2-3 times a week (if they didn't) until you rebuid some of that strength and flexibility. They will, also, work with a PT deciding if your practice is too much, and or, if it needs to be altered until you gain some of your strength and flexibility back. If needed, the PT can provide the proper brace or show you how to tape for added support.
Apply heat before you workout and ice afterward.
Muscle atrophy is no joke, and you will be exhausted and sore for the next few months rebuilding that muscle strength. Good luck and please take your concern to your dr. or a good PT.
I think your doctor should approve your training, but you need adaptive training and progressive difficulty.
My PT has been going pretty well but I don’t think my doctor really knows the physical demand all star cheer has besides typical pom cheer (while both are difficult in their own ways) and cleared me too early.

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