Since the car analogy failed, let's go with a restaurant.
When you get a meal from a restaurant do you get a breakdown of how much the meat cost, how much the seasoning cost, the staff costs for unloading the delivery truck and cooking it. You just know that it costs 18.99 and you aren't concerned about what kind of markup or profit that the owner. You just know that it tastes good and you are willing to pay the 18.99 for it.
If you use a cleaning service for your house, do you ask them how much of their cost is supplies and how much is profit?
Why is it any different for allstar cheer?
If you send your kid to camp do want a breakdown of how much the food cost and how much the arts and crafts supplies are you just know that it's 500 a week
It is a whole product, you can't just get part of it. You have to get the entire thing, you can't just get the uniform or just the competitions or decide that you want everything but the bow.
You aren't buying the ingredients of the soup you are buying the soup