I will have to say
BlueCat your gym may quite possibly be the ultimate class act. Watching the sportsmanship between your senior 4 and our's as well as wildcats and legends was awesome!
My two highlights from the weekend were:
The person who leaned over and told my 4.2 team good job when they actually celebrated getting 5th place. The team has been through a lot an doesn't have an abundance of difficulty in their routine. Their goal was to make top five, so when they called their name you would have thought they won the whole thing. I don't know the program the person was from but to whoever you were thank you, it meant the world to my kids.
My senior 3 had a ROUGH weekend. The pressure of the a competition of this magnitude really got the better of them. After day one they were in 13th with not much hope of moving up. They asked me who was in first. when I told them Keystone they chose to cheer them on while on their last mat in warmups. This wash't meant as a brag on my team. Just made me really happy to see them supporting others even when they were down on themselves over a bad performance.
Overall this was one of the lowest placing years I have had at this event, but yet I still feel it was the most successful. My teams took every learning experience to heart. I know sportsmanship is alway big at CheerSport, but this year truly was an exceptional one.