All-Star Staring At The Floor...

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Sep 27, 2014
My team got our choreography a few days ago and I can't help but feel extremely self concious. Without realizing it, I'm staring at the floor and coaches get onto me about it. I've always been extremely shy, held back and quiet and people have said cheer will open me up but I guess I don't know how? Has anyone ever felt like that?
The attitude and emotion you are required to express during a floor performance in gymnastics is definitely different than that which you must express in cheer. As a level 5 all star cheerleader, you have to be fierce. It will definitely take a while to get used to that, but understand that no one is looking at you specifically (of course, your are because they need to correct everyone) but you are part of a group. If anything, being shy might draw more attention to yourself because you appear to have less energy than the people around you. I highly recommend that you practice in the mirror and videotape yourself to examine your performance. Don't be afraid to ask your coaches and teammates for advice.
"Fake it til you make it." If you feel self-conscious, just act like you're not.

Have you ever heard Beyoncé talk about her Sasha Fierce persona? She talks about being shy on-stage, and pretending she's someone else who ISN'T shy helped her get past it. Invent your own Sasha Fierce persona!
imagine a horizontal line in front of you on the wall that is at or a little above your eye level. fixate your eyes on those points on that imaginary line. where your eyes go, your head will follow (and will lead to a raised chin).
My team got our choreography a few days ago and I can't help but feel extremely self concious. Without realizing it, I'm staring at the floor and coaches get onto me about it. I've always been extremely shy, held back and quiet and people have said cheer will open me up but I guess I don't know how? Has anyone ever felt like that?

I find it really hard to perform in pratice as I feel silly but I do my best. However once I am at comp and have my uniform on and hair and makeup done it helps me perform.

Try in practice and be fierce but you should be ok once you look fierce and ready to go on the mat
When I cheered, my coach always recommended that we look above where crowd is, rather than where they really are/at our feet, if we felt nervous about performing in front of groups.
Also, practice your poof and makeup, and make faces at yourself in the mirror. It might feel odd, but the hair and makeup will make it easier. They'll enable you to see a different you.
I might be the shyest person ever. In the world. Ever. But when I cheer I'm the opposite!
I always made a big point to look at the judges the entire routine, and make big facials at them. It seems totally weird- but they'll smile back at you and it just gives you so much more energy!
My coach always said to "Sell it!" you really have to look like you're having fun. When you practice, try to put a facial to each movement, like it's part of the choreography. Every run-through at practice should have full on facials, to get you in the habit!
If you're self conscious of looking at people look at the wall in front of you! That will help you keep your face to the crowd at all times, but won't let you focus on your judges/coach/fans.

If you have an alternate who sits out at practice or someone who's hurt and just watching practice, look at them and kind of make a game out of it! When I was hurt, I sat out and watched every practice/comp. My friends were on the mat cheering, and we'd look at each other and make the biggest facials back and forth, which actually helped them a lot!

Just have fun with it!! Facials are a part of cheering, and the more you do, the better you will look!!
Practicing being 'fierce' when you're at practice can be challenging, as you've got 80 million things going on and you're probably sweaty and sore from running the routine. Or, if you're the only one being 'show ready' it can make you feel awkward. Try at home in front of a mirror, or listen to your music with your eyes closed and imagine hitting everything in front of a crowd- everything solid and perfect with great technique. Imagine performing that routine.

It can be easier to come out of your shell in a 'safe' space first (like when you're alone and don't feel judged) and work your way up to it when you're on the mat.
Newbie question: Is looking fierce something that's being shown or talked about by coaches, or do athletes just have to pick that up by themselves? (My CP is 6 and I think she would LOVE to look fierce but she probably has no idea yet what it is.)
Newbie question: Is looking fierce something that's being shown or talked about by coaches, or do athletes just have to pick that up by themselves? (My CP is 6 and I think she would LOVE to look fierce but she probably has no idea yet what it is.)
I figure both (I never did allstar). Six-year-olds are encouraged to be sassy and cute.
Newbie question: Is looking fierce something that's being shown or talked about by coaches, or do athletes just have to pick that up by themselves? (My CP is 6 and I think she would LOVE to look fierce but she probably has no idea yet what it is.)
I always encouraged my minis to smile and sing the words. "Fierce" for the little ones means kissy faces and open mouths...which isn't my favorite, but it's better than a blank face.
Newbie question: Is looking fierce something that's being shown or talked about by coaches, or do athletes just have to pick that up by themselves? (My CP is 6 and I think she would LOVE to look fierce but she probably has no idea yet what it is.)

The younger ones normally are the ones that do it more naturally and just pick it up. A lot have a massive smile and sing along to their music and it is so cute and age appropriate. I saw this at nationals and the ones that stood out were the ones who you could tell were naturally fierce and not just trying to put it on
I feel like my daughter struggled with that at 5/6, I would tell her to be fierce and show her how to be fierce but she would have the awkward uneasy smile the whole comp so I just gave up.

Now she has a tendency to look scary, it's not the cutest lol but at least she is showing face! I don't know why she doesn't look happy lol

Someone please sure her how to be cute!! Lol

ETA: maybe she is yelling some?

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