All-Star Strangest Injury?

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Sprained my ankle marking in my bedroom... I've been out for almost 3 weeks. :(
I rolled my ankle walking onto the mat once. Didn't even get to tumble or anything cool to hurt myself. :/
i broke my toe chasing my mom i ran into her heal and my middle toe went to one side wayy to far... my toe is still kinda crooked now hahaha...and my friend sprained her ankle doing a game in gym class where you had to sit down( dont know all the details to it thats just what she told us)
Well I'm just clumsy and fell backwards! It was the day a new Plies Cd was coming out and early morning & my friend wanted me to go with her. We are walking to her car and I fell. I remember just laying on the ground thinking omg I have never hurt my head so bad in my life. When I went to get up my friend started screaming saying there is blood. I put my hand back and sure enough all I had was blood!
So I busted my head.. It was gushing blood but I didn't want to go to the doctor. I told my friend i didnt want to go to best buy anymore for the CD i was just going to go home. So i did and i slept for like 5 hours (i had no idea you are not suppose to go right to sleep after a head injury). I was also suppose to get my hair done that day so I called the girl and explained. She said don't worry and she could do it.. She had no ideal how bad it was. I got to the place and she advised me it was to bad to get it done. I still didn't want to go to the doctor I thought it would heal just like when you fall down and bust your knee. Well anyways I was off work for 2 days but the day i went into work a manager saw me. She advised me I must leave work my head was to bad to stay and I should go to the doctor because I can't come back until I do so.

So I went to the emergency room several days later and they said I really needed stitches but I run the risk of it being infected since I waited so they long. So they just stapled it closed instead. I'd say I was a trooper! :) hope the pics don't gross you out they were taken after I woke up that day!
I rolled my ankle walking onto the mat once. Didn't even get to tumble or anything cool to hurt myself. :/
we had a girl who was on my old gyms junior and senior 2 sprain her ankle the last practice (with an hour left) walking to go get a drink of water.. AND this was before our very last competition.
I broke my front tooth in half by walking into a speed limit sign. #fail

Bahaha i was swinging on the swings and my sister hit me in the mouth with a log. I busted my lip open and broke 2 teeth. Lol

And i have a weird story.

So my very first gym didnt have a spring floor, they had a mat on top of concrete (bad idea) so anyways the constant impact on my leg hurt me so bad that i switched gyms. It was me and my friend who switched gyms. The day of tryouts i broke my leg by landing in a crack....2 days later my friend who was at the old gym with me tore a ligament my getting out of bed. Needless to say we thought we were cursed for leaving our old gym haha.
I broke my ankle literally just walking across the gym to stretch. Irony?
One morning while putting on my shoes i stepped on s toothpick ( from a project i did the night before) a month later i had some nasty green infection that was needed surgery out of cheer for like two weeks -__________-
I fell out of a thigh stand (!) because my base slipped on sandy ground and broke a bone in my foot, tore 3 ligaments and hurt the capsule thing (or however you might call it ^^)... -.-
I fractured my L4 vertebre just from excessive tumbling once?

But my friend's story is a little more embarassing, she was doing hurdles at track practice and fractured her elbow because she fell right onto it.
Tore hip flexor running across the floor and doing a Kartwheel at a friend to scare her, it was hands down more painful and longer recovery than any of the ankle/wrist breaks that I ever had.
When I was still taking gymnastics I was walking into the gym, tripped while walking onto the spring floor, tried to catch myself, and broke my wrist.
Another time I was at a meet. I was on my second run for vault and my mom yelled something, I got distracted, and I ran right into the front of the vault. This was back in the day when we still used the rectangular leather ones. I broke my nose. Needless to say, I did not finish out the meet.
My daughter was carrying a girl off the mat because the girl was having an asthma attack and missed a step then hit her foot on another and sprained her foot. She didnt drop the other girl though!

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