All-Star Strangest Injury?

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Oh my, this thread has my name written all over it...

High school - Broke my arm throwing a softball

College - While already out for the season due to surgery for another injury, I stepped in a hole in the grass while setting up the videocamera for the game and sprained my ankle.
Tore my ACL completely (had a partial tear a few months earlier) playing H.O.R.S.E.

Last year - Fainted due to low blood pressure and broke my nose.

My CP dislocated her elbow at age 2 when she decided to throw a temper tantrum on the stairs and do the limp legged thing. My mom, who was babysitting her, didn't want to let go of her arm, so she wouldn't fall down the stairs, and her elbow popped out. That same night, I tore my hamstring running the bases in softball. We went to the ER together.

Two girls on my CP's Mini 1 team last season broke fingers by stepping on their own hands.
I had to have surgery on my ankle becasue i tripped over a mat....
Oh my, this thread has my name written all over it...

High school - Broke my arm throwing a softball

College - While already out for the season due to surgery for another injury, I stepped in a hole in the grass while setting up the videocamera for the game and sprained my ankle.
Tore my ACL completely (had a partial tear a few months earlier) playing H.O.R.S.E.

Last year - Fainted due to low blood pressure and broke my nose.

My CP dislocated her elbow at age 2 when she decided to throw a temper tantrum on the stairs and do the limp legged thing. My mom, who was babysitting her, didn't want to let go of her arm, so she wouldn't fall down the stairs, and her elbow popped out. That same night, I tore my hamstring running the bases in softball. We went to the ER together.

Two girls on my CP's Mini 1 team last season broke fingers by stepping on their own hands.

On purpose?! Haha, I coach a mini 1 team and I could see a few of my girls doing this!
In 4th grade I was pretending to be a rock star in my kitchen singing and was running around with socks on and slipped on the tile when I thought I could do some cool move and fell and broke my elbow. Not fun
at my school pep rally 2 years ago i was on my friends back and we were late so i jumped off so we could run to where we needed to be and i landed very weird and hurt my tailbone but just dealt with it for the night. when i woke up the next day i could not move my legs at all without extreme pain! so i went to urgent care and found out i strained a muscle in my butt, i had to miss the homecoming game and parade:( i was out for 2 weeks, it was really fun telling everyone why i couldn't cheer. "hey girl, what happened?" "oh you know i just strained my butt"
a girl on my team one year broke her ankle walking on the sidewalk to her car after practice

It's funny how MANY stories I hear like this lol.... cheerleaders tend to have the worst luck walking for some reason. A couple years ago at SEMO 1 when we were teaching a camp one of my fellow staffers was running to the stage from another room and ran into a pole head first... had to have stitches and everything... That same camp another staffer was doing a skit for "Staff Tryouts" and she did a janked handspring on purpose in front of the whole camp and tore her ACL but did the rest of her skit on her knees haha. Campers had no clue til she came back on crutches the next morning!
freshman year of college, I was jumping on the trampoline with my little cousin who was 4 at the time, and he just learned how to do a seat drop, so of course I had to do one too---When i did it, and bounced back up, I got the most awkward painful sensation in my neck. I couldn't turn my head at all and got absolutely terrified. I laid down on my back and literally couldn't move my head.

it turned out that when I did the seat drop, when i actually hit the trampoline, the slight, natural curve of my spine towards my neck straightened out, and my muscles spazzed and held it in place. The chiropractor said it was just the stars lining up right and BOOM.

it was absolutely awful though. two weeks of not being able to turn my head. It's happened again once, but wasn't near as bad, and this time I knew exactly what to do and it only lasted a few days.
On purpose?! Haha, I coach a mini 1 team and I could see a few of my girls doing this!

One of them was sitting on the mat during a break in practice, put her hand down when she went to stand up, and stepped on her hand. The other one was practicing back walkovers at home and somehow put her foot down on her pinky and broke it.
factured my foot doing.....Cartwheel "catch step" roundoff.
That was a tragic day.
get this. so I was doing standing tumbling onto a squishy mat off the side of the spring floor about four years ago, and I undercutted so bad, that my feet came underneath me, and my left foot went underneath the spring floor (my luck).
how does that even happen?
but anywho, we went to my doctor after that happened because it was hurting for a loooong time, and they NEVER told us to see a specialist, so I went on with this injury (which gradually got WORSE) for almost 4 YEARS.
this past year, we had just about had enough. so we went to the doctor and told them to recommend a specialist.little did we know that that means a SURGERY specialist. so after being in a walking boot for 6 months and being out of cheer for 3, we were told I had stretched ligaments/tendons throughout my foot and calf, and that I needed surgery for it,and I would be out for almost a year and a half, ALL FROM A DANG SPRING FLOOR!
ps. I did physical therapy, and Im STILL hurting to this day.
I was backing a stunt that was falling and someone spotting kneed me in the butt to help catch.. this was April 1st and it still hurts if I sit slouched for too long (or if I try to do the bicycle ab workout at the gym) so I finally got it checked and I have a fracture in my tailbone!!
jammed middle finger on left hand doing back handspring on tramp... now its crooked and looks retarded (:
A while back I was laying in bed watching a video, and I was holding my laptop over my head with my arms fully extended. I have a mac book pro so the computer itself is metal. Well I got a text and so my natural reaction was to reach for my phone, so when I reached for my phone I let go of my lap top and it smacked me right in the face and busted my lip open and gave me a huge gash on the bridge of my nose. There was blood everywhere, when it hit my lip it kind of popped it so flood squirted onto my wall and all over my computer.

1000 ways to die, death by macbook.

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