1. When I was in high school, a spotter got too close to one of our stunt groups and when the back stepped back to catch cradle, she stepped on the spotter's foot and severely sprained her ankle.
2. Again, when I was in high school, back in the day when bows used to have CLIPS on them.... After our ending pyramid, a girl was dismounting from a shoulder sit and her spankies got caught on the base's bow, which jerked her neck back. Legit, she was taken away on a backboard with a sprained neck LOL
3. I wasn't a member of my old gym quite yet when this happened, but apparently one year at nationals there was a legit fistfight between a parent and a coach. There was also a coach who took some of her team to the theme park and expected the other coach to run a practice by herself with those few girls missing...
4. How about the convention center at Asbury in the winter months? I think I attended a Cheer Tech (or something else scary) event there a few years back where the warmup area upstairs was big enough for a tumble strip and a stunt strip. It's dead winter, and there were BROKEN WINDOWS letting the cold in.... GHETTO
5. We attended a high school competition a few years back that gave you a 5 minute warmup on a hard floor... then, there was a fire alarm and we all had to stand outside in the rain. The fire marshall wouldn't let everyone back in, because the gym was over capacity. That was a mess.
6. How about when your music cuts out and everyone sings the rest of the routine?
7. Last year, I saw a coach at Cheersport MAKING CHANGES to a routine DURING WARMUPS!! Like, actually trying to teach a new motion section. I was like WHAT. IN. THE. HELL!?!?And then she screamed at the kids for not getting it, and walked away from them.
8. I've had kids not show up to competition before, which was interesting. Nothing like having to re-work your whole pyramid in the hallway lol
9. Ever have a coach almost miss their team's warmup? I did once... I set the alarm for PM instead of AM, and ran down to the convention center to enter warmups 5 minutes into their time. Since then, I've always made sure I have someone to call me and make sure I'm up. I felt TERRIBLE and I thought I was going to get fired lol
10. Back in the day, BATC with the garbage cans on the side of the floor for puking... idk if they are still there, but I can remember Level 4 and 5 teams would have 2-3 pukers on average lol