All-Star Stressed Out?

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Jan 4, 2011
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i was wondering what you guys do to relax when you are really stressed out about something in your routine such as a stunt or tumbling pass.
for me when I used to cheer, I would go in on my own to the gym and work on any of the tumbling that I was having issues with. I loved that my gym allowed you to come in and work as long as you werent disturbing team practices. When it came to stunting it was a little harder getting a whole group to come in on days when we dont have practice, so id try to arrange if we could stay after or come early to work things out.
Get a drink, shake it off. Do a skill you're more comfortable with, then try it again. (ie: working on a full, do a nice, pretty layout to get your mind in a more confident state, then try the full again.) Always stay POSITIVE. Trust me, it works! Keeping positive energy in around boosts morale and confidence. Something's more likely to hit when you're confident about it, am I right or am I right?
Best way to deal with Anxiety is to use affirmations, so say something out loud to yourself phrased in a positive fashion, for instance, "I can handle this, I will hit this stunt/tumble" or if you're just stressing too much i find "I am calm" works very well. Also counting backwards from 10 while breathing slowly in and out...

I have a lot of problems with anxiety and frustration because of my pain condition and these things really help me out, it may seem silly at first talking out loud to yourself but when you do it just feel the reaction in your body and notice how your shoulders drop and how much you relax, then you'll realize how much it's helping and silliness won't matter anymore ;)

I also use something called the Lecoq technique which is a warm up exercise, if you're coming to worlds and you see me, come ask me about ti cause it's much easier to show than to type ;)

Hope that helps!
My stunt group's motto was "take it slow and breathe!" :)
well, our teams model was DBAP (I'll leave you to figure this one out lol). and I wrote it on my hand every practice, so anytime I was struggling, stressing or mental, all I had to do was look at my hand and tell myself, DBAP. sounds silly, and sounds like nothing special, but surprisingly it worked. I even brought it to college with me, and it's helped alot (especially when it comes to trying college baskets....)
Best way to deal with Anxiety is to use affirmations, so say something out loud to yourself phrased in a positive fashion, for instance, "I can handle this, I will hit this stunt/tumble" or if you're just stressing too much i find "I am calm" works very well. Also counting backwards from 10 while breathing slowly in and out...

I have a lot of problems with anxiety and frustration because of my pain condition and these things really help me out, it may seem silly at first talking out loud to yourself but when you do it just feel the reaction in your body and notice how your shoulders drop and how much you relax, then you'll realize how much it's helping and silliness won't matter anymore ;)

I also use something called the Lecoq technique which is a warm up exercise, if you're coming to worlds and you see me, come ask me about ti cause it's much easier to show than to type ;)

Hope that helps!
usually when i get stressed or frustrated, im no good to myself. but my coach always knows the right thing to say and has helped me through everything!
My stunt group's motto was "take it slow and breathe!" :)

Same with mine! In the past, when we were all really stressed we found ourselves speeding up counts and completely forgetting proper technique :rolleyes: It was so much easier when we focused on our individual parts and BREATHE-I know a lot of people don't really breathe when they stunt, I promise it helps a lot! Just like in various parts of the routine, find parts to breathe while you're stunting.

It's also important for all positions to know the "weaknesses" of one another during the stunt sequence so you can cheer eachother on (if they don't mind it). Personally, I got nervous sometimes before pulling my scorps so my main base would always cheer for me right before and it always gave the confidence I needed!