Stunting Help?

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May 30, 2013
My stunt group is hitting half ups and full downs, even though only one of us has ever stunted before this season (our flyer), but we aren't hitting the ground up. Can someone help me?

1. We could hit it when we brought in a more experienced back spot. She made our flyer feel so light! She was actually flying. How do I explain to my back spot that she's not putting enough in? Especially when she keeps telling us that it's the BASES who aren't getting it up fast enough or pushing hard enough.

2. I didn't notice until my flyer said something, but I am a main base, and for some reason, when we are up in the extension, I'm turning her foot out. The next time I noticed it and tried to correct it, but I could not move her foot. It was stuck turned out. How can I make sure that I am keeping her foot facing forward every time?

We are planning on doing show-and-gos in our halftime routine, and I need any help you can give to make sure we hit it!!! Please & thank you!

This doesn't sound like a backspot problem from a coach's point of view, based on a couple of things you've said.
1. If the stunt can hit with one back spot but not the other, that might only mean the 1st one was doing extra -NOT that the 2nd wasn't doing enough. There are plenty of teams that don't need backs at all for these stunts. How many Coed, or "boyfriend" style stunts don't use backs at all? If a flyer is doing their job correctly, they should feel light all of the time. Put any experienced (and good) flyer in the air and you'll see what I'm talking about.

2. The flyers foot is turned out, and you can't seem to move it. It is very uncommon for a base to have crooked shoulders or arms that turn in that particular direction. It is VERY common however for people to stand with their toes turned out. Take a look around when people are just standing, and I'd bet 99% of them have their toes pointed away from each other. Just like squeezing their legs, controlling the flyers feet is up to the flyer. They are after all, HER feet.

Remember, just because someone has more experience, that doesn't mean they are necessarily doing everything correct. All of that being said, have someone else watch the stunt. Is everyone using proper technique? Post a vid if you don't have anyone to watch or find some (good) videos of others doing them.

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