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Sorry for the double post, but this reminds me of Lindsay Lohan's situation. She would have a much easier time healing from her addiction and rehab would be more effective for her if she were to choose better friends. I think she is afraid of losing them (they aren't real friends anyway, just people who want her status to rub off on them). She grew up in Hollywood, and lots of people try to take advantage of young starlets. But then I wonder, does she really want to be able to say that she has friends, or does she just want their drugs (they provide her with drugs in the hopes that that will make her more inclined to keep them in her inner circle)? I really don't know. All I can say is that changing her friends could change her life for the better.

I totally agree. That is another sad, sad situation that could have been so different.
I have seen steroid use mentioned a few times in this thread. The steroids that are prescribed for asthma or allergic reactions or most general medical uses are catabolic corticosteroids. They work to break things down (simplified). These are not going to help any athlete become bigger, better, faster, stronger. Those type are called anabolic steroids.

That was bothering me and hadn't been addressed yet.
I pulled both of these quotes out of your posts because they are right where I'm at with this! These excuses people make to try and justify drug use is definitely the crux of the issue.

-It's okay to use Adderral that isn't prescribed to you to lose weight or stay up all night to study?
-If it was steroids I'd understand?
-Maybe she smoked marijuana and it was laced with it?
(Not quoting exact sentences just ideas here)

The idea that some illegal drug use is acceptable in anyway is just crazy!

Would you ever tell your kid that stealing a candy bar was okay but stealing a tv was bad? Or how about teaching your kids that cheating on one answer on a test is fine just don't plagiarize a whole paper? Or even what I've actually heard from other families, go ahead and drive home if you've had one or two drinks just don't drive if you're "wasted".

We are so afraid to draw a line in the sand and say "No" that's not okay because it's not always fun to be that tough parent. The bottom line is that illegal drug use is not okay for the amazing college cheerleader or for my 15 year old high schooler or for the homeless man on the street. None of it is okay!! People need to step up and take a hard stance on this. If you are not prescribed it then don't take it. PERIOD! If you need Adderral to stay up all night for an exam then the next semester start studying several days earlier and get more sleep!!

Lastly to add, I'm no prima donna here. I get the temptation. My daughter is prescribed Vyvance and I can't tell you how many times after being up late finishing work with a big meeting happening first thing the next morning that I've thought of taking one of her pills. Would one pill hurt me? Nope! But by taking that one pill I made it okay in my mind to cross that line and it makes it much easier to cross other lines in the future.
The ones who get me are the parents that allow it ONLY if their kid is supervised at home while it's going on. Uh what?! Because somehow you officially condoning it as okay because it happens in your presence is somehow good parenting. I've heard them say "it's going to happen anyway at least this way I know it's safe."

You have lost your mind. Stop being their cool friend and start being a parent.

The number of people that I've heard subscribe to this...and actually think it makes them a good shocking.
The ones who get me are the parents that allow it ONLY if their kid is supervised at home while it's going on. Uh what?! Because somehow you officially condoning it as okay because it happens in your presence is somehow good parenting. I've heard them say "it's going to happen anyway at least this way I know it's safe."

You have lost your mind. Stop being their cool friend and start being a parent.

The number of people that I've heard subscribe to this...and actually think it makes them a good shocking.
What scares me are the parents that claim, "well it's okay to drink/smoke marijuana/do drugs, etc. All the other kids are doing it!"

What scares me are the parents that claim, "well it's okay to drink/smoke marijuana/do drugs, etc. All the other kids are doing it!"

I swear you should have to pass a common sense test to procreate. Think of the worlds problems that would cease to exist.
The ones who get me are the parents that allow it ONLY if their kid is supervised at home while it's going on. Uh what?! Because somehow you officially condoning it as okay because it happens in your presence is somehow good parenting. I've heard them say "it's going to happen anyway at least this way I know it's safe."

You have lost your mind. Stop being their cool friend and start being a parent.

The number of people that I've heard subscribe to this...and actually think it makes them a good shocking.
The funny thing is, I (and a lot of other people in my generation, I'm sure) simply want our parents to be our parents, but also be there for is when we need their guidance. Of course we can laugh together, have inside jokes, etc. However we don't want our parents to be on some mission to make us popular (it's pitiful and embarrassing to see how desperate for that for their kids) or to become our friends (reminds me of She's Too Young, and that episode of As Told By Ginger in which Dodie's mom was trying to befriend Dodie's classmates and relive her middle school days).
The funny thing is, I (and a lot of other people in my generation, I'm sure) simply want our parents to be our parents, but also be there for is when we need their guidance. We don't want our parents to be on some mission to make us popular (it's pitiful and embarrassing to see how desperate for that for their kids) or to become our friends (reminds me of She's Too Young, and that episode of As Told By Ginger in which Dodie's mom was trying to befriend Dodie's classmates and relive her middle school days?).
I've been telling mine since they were toddlers. "I'm not your friend, I'm your mother. Remember that."

Too bad others don't make the same effort. Parents quite frequently have to be the unpopular bad guy which is hard to be when you're trying to be the "cool" parent.
The funny thing is, I (and a lot of other people in my generation, I'm sure) simply want our parents to be our parents, but also be there for is when we need their guidance. Of course we can laugh together, have inside jokes, etc. However we don't want our parents to be on some mission to make us popular (it's pitiful and embarrassing to see how desperate for that for their kids) or to become our friends (reminds me of She's Too Young, and that episode of As Told By Ginger in which Dodie's mom was trying to befriend Dodie's classmates and relive her middle school days).

This is why I am glad that I was brought up by a older mother she was 39 when she had me and im now 20. I was brought up with very traditional values. When my mum comes to visit me at uni we may go for a drink but I see some go and get wasted with their children. I was also told about effects of drugs from about 13 when I went to a big school and saw stuff.

Some may call me old fashioned but im glad that my parents were always there for me when it was tough but were a parent when they needed to be
There is a French saying that, in English, roughly translates to: "Due to lack of knowledge, we err in our choice of pleasure."

Do you know the French words for that saying ? I'm curious because it doesn't ring a bell right now.

"when people make a wrong choice of pleasures and pains--that is, of good and evil--the cause of their mistake is lack of knowledge." - Plato. Protagoras, 357 d-e
I know I may be in the minority with this case but in my own personal opinion, you truly can't understand it until it happens to you. Yes, someone may have been able to go through difficult courses in college without taking any drugs but for the people who opt to go with drugs a lot of the time we have NO idea what they may have gone through.
Also, some people can handle things much better than others. Some are mentally stronger. Something that's simple for one person may be horribly difficult for someone else.
My biggest point with this post is unless you are that person I don't believe anyone has room to judge.
Drugs are not ok. They never will be. But I feel for the people who start them, and get addicted and the hardships they must have gone through to get to that point without the mental capability to handle it all like some others can.
Not, I don't believe it's babying or coddling. I feel sometime it's just human to feel trapped, desperate, and not know what else to do. Maybe at that point in that person's life, the long term consequences of the drugs don't seem as bad as what they're going through in the moment.
Then again, I am only 17 and may not have seen or been through what a lot of posters here, particularly adults have. I do respect all the opinions and thoughts and have considered everything I've read. Something is just rubbing me a bit the wrong way about those who have no pity whatsoever for people stuck in that position.
My biggest point with this post is unless you are that person I don't believe anyone has room to judge.

Drugs are not ok.

See this is why I'm sad for the future. You think that only people that have experienced certain things should be allowed to judge them. Well, to be blunt, that's just stupid. I don't have to have committed murder to judge a murderer and that's the logical conclusion of your fuzzy thinking.

And to top it all off, you are judging by saying "drugs are not ok." That seems pretty hypocritical.

If you are 17, I'm sorry for seeming to be rude. But we've got to get people to actually think about things instead of being worried about hurting feelings. And we can pity while still judging.
I've always been more on the sympathetic side so you're right on the fact that I am probably thinking more about feelings.
It's fine. I get what you're saying. There's a difference between being logical and trying to be sympathetic to everyone. I see your point of view. I'm not saying it's wrong.
When I said drugs are not ok, I meant that. I never meant they aren't. I just meant I feel like we should be more understanding towards people's situations and try to understand their position and why they're doing it. I never meant they should keep doing them. (Sorry if my wording is not making sense. I'm trying to figure out how to phrase it.)
I am 17(just to clarify since you said "if") and it did come off a bit harsh but I appreciate that you were honest. Just rather not be called stupid next time after I tried to be as polite as possible towards the views of others at the end of my previous post. We all have our own opinions. That's all.
My previous post was made on my phone and I thought it quoted you but it didn't so just letting you know I replied to you in my previous post @ACEDAD

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