(just using your post as a jumping off point for my novel...)
I don't think this is exactly true. I assume you are referring to people like
@ACEDAD and what would be me if I'd chosen to post my reaction.
I assure you, this proves NOTHING of the sort - it is highly doubtful that anyone, anywhere has not been touched by drug addiction. I know I have (and still am) - and that's why my stance is what it is.
What our reactions should prove to you is that we're older (and I'd like to think wiser) and tired of the excuses. Tired of reading things like, "Oh pressure to get good grades is so high nowadays. Pressure to do well on exams is so crazy now." Why do teenagers think pressure is more now than when we were young? I've been in college during both generations, and I can honestly say... No. Pressure in college now is nothing like it used to be. I was blown away by the amount of coddling the schools do now - and the amount of kids that don't fail when they should. Cheating? Used to get you kicked out of school right off the bat. Now it's just expected. So, to the poster that said pressure is so high now: no, it's not. It's the same or less than it's always been.
Things your generation did not invent:
Drug addiction
Pressure from parents
Faking pregnancies to keep a boy
Drug overdoses
Underage Drinking
Things your generation did invent:
Misunderstanding "drug addiction is a disease" to mean that it's ok and socially acceptable.
This is the part that's frustrating for us oldies. Yes, drug addiction is a disease. A horrible, awful one that destroys everyone it touches and everyone around them. Yes, all of us have had it touch our lives. The difference is some of us see it differently. By saying, "School is so hard! Sports are so hard! Pressure is so intense! Parents don't know or understand any of the stuff we do! Poor kids! Ooh, this is so sad. She must have been doing it for this reason or that reason" you are basically excusing the problem.
Stop condoning the behavior. I know a lot of you say you aren't, but then your whole post goes on to condone it and make excuses.
Stop excusing it. It is not OK to do drugs. Period. If someone fails to get that message and does them anyway, it's sad. But it's still not OK. Stop coming on here and posting stories about all the kids you know that do drugs. Or stop saying you don't condone drug use - looking the other way is the same as condoning when you're talking about things like HEROIN. Stop justifying it.
Sorry for the rant - but this is where our differing perspectives come from. Most of you see it as, "Oh they're so old. They don't understand what it's like NOW." And we see it as, "Oh... Been there, done ALL of that. That is NOT OK. I need these kids to see that this is not OK! Why are they acting like it's ok?"
(last note - I am completely blown away by the number of people who've said they are surprised by these findings)
@flcheermom and
@CharlotteASMom you both said EXACTLY what I was trying to say, perfectly!