You guys crack me up with everyone leaving CEA off these lists. I look at it this way: we strive for advancement and development.... Pushing to the next level. Consequently, CSP asks us to trust her with our kids, and there will be bumpy road ahead, but it will make them better. That means being on a team that should probably be level 2, but starts the year level 3 to drive them to get better and develop. By the point in the year where our CPs teams are getting super competitive and winning at their original level, they bump up to level 4 (this is all from experience the past few years).
Does it mean every time we step out on the mat, we win? No. Does it mean we sometimes looking up at other teams in our division and trying to figure out how to compete? Absolutely. You know what it DOES mean? It means that when our girls to get to those "high end" teams, they are seasoned, ready to go, and unflappable.
You think that is a horrible idea, and you need to have your CP win everything they enter? Even if that means staying level 1, 2, or 3 for a few years longer than necessary? you want your CP with level 3-4 skills on a level 2 team so they can win every time? Our gym is not for you, probably. I cannot be more pleased with how CSP leads our girls. She personally spoke to ours after her tearful "Teal Reveal" letter opening for youth elite, to tell her that "This is going to mean a lot of work for you, but you deserve this." Courtney Pope, who gets vilified so much for philosophy, and business decisions, and percieved personal decisions, wanted so badly to see my CP open that letter that she followed her over to watch the reaction. I was honored, and touched by the gesture, but also by the trust she showed in my kid, a kid she knows will have to bust it to be a "Butterfly". Would she win more by stacking levels 1-3 with those types of kids? Of course she would, but that would be more about HER than it would be about them. Not how she or CEA rolls. I am happy to say my kid went through a tough year last year, and did not win a ton, considering they were cheering a level up all year, but it was worth it. She learned what it takes to work and win, and I will pay off. I'll take that over more trophies and t shirts any day.
Much respect to Cali and Stingrays and Cheer Athletics and all of them, but I won't trade my gym for any of them!
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