Judges training is the most common response to this question. Is anyone willing to tell us what they would like to see on the Judges Training 101 course outline?
It seems like it's way too easy to get into judging. I know of some people who judge for various companies who I personally wouldn't trust to coach a level 2 team, let alone be judging level 4 and 5 skills. Also, there should be a rule that, in order to judge a big national like Cheersport, NCA, Jamfest Indy, UCA, that you should have at least 5 years of judging with that particular company's scoresheet.
Oversight would be great too. If someone like yourself were able to review videos and compare them to the judges' scoresheets, you could have an idea of who is cutting it and who isn't.
And. please, let us see composites:)For example:
Team A- Stunts 7, Jumps 8, RT 8.5, ST 8.5, Tosses 9, Pyramids 7
Team B- Stunts 7, Jumps 8, RT 7, ST 7, Tosses 7, Pyramids 8
If I'm Team B, then I know I have to work on Tumbling and Tosses for Day 2 because that's where I'm getting beat.