Two seasons ago, my junior level 1 team was third in line for a D1 Summit bid (out of five bids) and first in line for the level 1 bid. We placed second in our division, but the team ahead of us would not accept any Summit bids according to their bid declaration. Unfortunately, this team was awarded the bid during the award ceremony, much to our (and their) confusion. Immediately following the award ceremony, we went to the check-in desk and asked what the deal was and it turns out they messed up our bid declaration and tried to tell me that we stated we would be declining all bids. They looked at the declaration, realized their mistake, and awarded us the bid. It really sucked to have that moment taken from our athletes, as they never got that incredible, over the top moment other teams got to experience.
The same thing happened the following season when my junior level 1 team won first was was second in line for level 1 grand champs. The grand champion team was a mini level 1 team and not eligible for a bid. They left our team off the the bid reveal video and our team AGAIN did not get to experience that moment. It was extremely disappointing as a coach to have that happen back-to-back years.
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