All-Star Summit Bid Winners 2015

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Some parents don't care if they're contenders to win or not as long as they can SAY their kid went to Summit. And some just want the "experience", much like many worlds teams we see. For some folks, it's all a status thing.

I would agree some not all don't care. It's a tough spot to be in. J3 last year had 38 teams. Based on the pace of things it looks like there will be roughly 30 paid or at large teams and maybe as high as 40 wild card teams this year. Correct me if I am wrong but scores reset each day? So there is a potential for almost 70 teams in the small j3 level. One team will advance day 1 than day 2 10 out of 30 advance correct?

Makes me very happy that our gym said they would not accept W/C bids! I would love for CP to attend the Summit but not that way - too much money, time away from work and school being just a few small factors for that "experience". We do have one more chance at Cheer Power in Columbus next month for bids, but it will be a battle because that is a big/tough competition in this area. Luckily CP is only 10 so she's has a few more years for the opportunity. :cool:

we will be going to Cheerpower too in Columbus.
And THIS is why Varsity should stop handing bids to competitions and then letting the comps hand them out at the competitions discretion. They should take the number of paid and at large bids offered each year and say, "We are giving L5 15 paid and 50 AL, L4 15 paid and 50 AL, etc. And X competition get 1 paid per level and 2 AL's per level."

Or give every competition a set standard for dispersing bids. Bids will probably not be evenly dispersed across divisions this way, but at least every team attending Summit will have been chosen by the same standard. Then let the competitions hand out Wild Cards at their own discretion.

I liked how Spirit Cheer did it last weekend in Washington.

There was 1 bid for level 1, 2 for level 2, 2 for level 3, and 1 for 4/4.2/5. Then on top of that, there was one paid bid.

It was based off the number of teams registered and I thought was handed out in a completely fair way. Did it suck the for the 3rd place level 3 team that might've scored higher than the 1st place level 1 team? Probably, but it helped keep the bids even across the levels.
I agree! Nice and even distributing. Were there ANY non-worlds level 5s? Thinking Action's j5??? Anyway, I'm sure they could have been lumped with the 4s, if there were.

Eta: you don't know who the 3rd level 3 team was, do you?...just curious. ;)
I have to respectfully disagree. My cp's team earned a WC at their very first comp this year. We were coming off a rough season the year before with a lot of injuries and disappointing showings at some comps. They busted their butts all summer, have an amazing, maxed-out routine, and took first, best of level, and the bid at that comp. They have been first or second at every comp since, even now that we are at the bigger comps that give AL and paid bids. Our team was SO excited to get that bid! The gym and parents decided that since we had so much time to plan, fundraise, and work before May...we'd give our athletes this chance. They are beyond motivated, and can't wait to prove themselves at the prelims. They also are killing themselves trying to upgrade to paid...we've been close, but not yet. It is wonderful to watch how motivated this has made them, and it is a little insulting that some people think it is all about status or moms saying that "my kid went to Summit." In our area, 95% of our social circle has absolutely no idea what the Summit is, or Worlds either for that matter. Everyone's kid is involved in some high level sport or another, they are all doing their own one really cares unless they are in cheer. This is all about our kids and their matter what happens that 1st weekend in May we are very proud. And truly, as I keep telling cp...what better place for a Cinderella story than WDW? ;) So please, it would be kind if people on here could refrain from making the athletes and families that accept these bids feel like vapid morons! ;)
There is a small percentage of teams that go to Summit/worlds because they can say they r going. I have seen teams at Worlds that make me cringe watching them. Good luck to your team!
I agree! Nice and even distributing. Were there ANY non-worlds level 5s? Thinking Action's j5??? Anyway, I'm sure they could have been lumped with the 4s, if there were.

Eta: you don't know who the 3rd level 3 team was, do you?...just curious. ;)

I totally just made that up. I have no idea what the final point standings were. I'm pretty sure that on Saturday, the top 5 teams in level 2 were higher than some of the first place team in other levels though.
I totally just made that up. I have no idea what the final point standings were. I'm pretty sure that on Saturday, the top 5 teams in level 2 were higher than some of the first place team in other levels though.

They totally were! S2 was bomb on Saturday. I was just curious, but am no way asking our coaches. Lol!
CP's gym now has four teams going on AL and one team going on WC. Our WC team took their bid at first Summit bid comp at very beginning of season and couldn't be more proud of their bid. CP was on one of these teams both years that went on a passed down at large a little less than two weeks from the Summit in 2014 and passed from NCA in 2013. I think in 2014 when those kids had to quit practicing as a team together and the "Summit" teams continued with practice, they would have been happy with a Wild Card bid to just get there and try to prove themselves. (The team was disbanded for about a week before they got the news) You took the chance, you gambled on a Wild Card bid this year, maybe it wasn't for you after all and you'll find out after this year. A lot of folks were side eyeing us people that went the first year to the Summit. It was worth it!!! Awesome comp. Maybe the Wild Card bid will be, too. Actually all any of us are guaranteed is one day, paid or at large. Still have to make day 2 and it is a struggle to make day 2, too. Enjoy the Summit no matter how you get there. I am sure it will be fierce competition on WC day 1 just as much as day 2 and day 3.
I have to respectfully disagree. My cp's team earned a WC at their very first comp this year. We were coming off a rough season the year before with a lot of injuries and disappointing showings at some comps. They busted their butts all summer, have an amazing, maxed-out routine, and took first, best of level, and the bid at that comp. They have been first or second at every comp since, even now that we are at the bigger comps that give AL and paid bids. Our team was SO excited to get that bid! The gym and parents decided that since we had so much time to plan, fundraise, and work before May...we'd give our athletes this chance. They are beyond motivated, and can't wait to prove themselves at the prelims. They also are killing themselves trying to upgrade to paid...we've been close, but not yet. It is wonderful to watch how motivated this has made them, and it is a little insulting that some people think it is all about status or moms saying that "my kid went to Summit." In our area, 95% of our social circle has absolutely no idea what the Summit is, or Worlds either for that matter. Everyone's kid is involved in some high level sport or another, they are all doing their own one really cares unless they are in cheer. This is all about our kids and their matter what happens that 1st weekend in May we are very proud. And truly, as I keep telling cp...what better place for a Cinderella story than WDW? ;) So please, it would be kind if people on here could refrain from making the athletes and families that accept these bids feel like vapid morons! ;)

I said SOME, not ALL parents. Throughout the 10 years my kids have been in allstar, I've known MANY parents who are all about the status and bragging rights. I'm not saying it applies to everyone though.
They are suppose to put down if they will accept the wild card- if they aren't accepting it for the sole fact it can't be passed down after someone received it. So yes it should definitely mean they are going.

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Not necessarily. According to varsity reps, a week after registration deadlines pass, teams are contacted if they have not registered. They are given a week to register after contact and then the bid is released. For a WC it goes away. For an AL or Paid it is passed down. So the list does not have completely accuracy for WC recipients.
Not necessarily. According to varsity reps, a week after registration deadlines pass, teams are contacted if they have not registered. They are given a week to register after contact and then the bid is released. For a WC it goes away. For an AL or Paid it is passed down. So the list does not have completely accuracy for WC recipients.

I wonder how many no shows there will be from w/c division once they see how many there are in some groups.
I wonder how many no shows there will be from w/c division once they see how many there are in some groups.
I would assume since registration for November through January events has passed, the majority of teams listed would be attending for WC. I don't have an earlier version to see how many have been added since Jan 31. The February registration deadline is in March.
Nor Cal Elite has a full paid and I'm not being biased or anything but they are legit about to just demolish this comp
Can I reference this post after summit 15?

We took 4 teams last season and the two I would of placed my money on winning the whole thing because their scores everywhere killed everyone and both won NCA and basically everything else last season and they both didn't even make finals. Both had issues day 1 that were uncharacteristic of them. Although day 2 is a new score and had they of made day 2 they may have been very easily had a shot at winning

Their mistakes on day 1 put them missing finals by just a few. When there are that many teams in a division you can't afford to make a mistake on day 1.

I certainly hope it doesn't happen to your team but mistakes happen.

My daughters team has a very good routine this year going into NCA And although they definitely have a shot at winning they have a shot at last place too. Every single team they are against has a chance at winning as they are all very very good teams. That's just like what you will have at the summit. Those paid and at large bid and whatever WC is good enough to win all have that same fate. Paid bids do not mean you are a stronger team!

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