All-Star Summit Bid Winners 2015

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Sorry I will have to disagree. The rule stated going in that only one wild card team will advance. A wild card is much easier to get and most of them are awarded at one day comps where you only have to hit once. Many gyms aren't taking w/c so that makes them easier to get. My CP team had to beat 30 other teams in their division and 117 other teams in their level to get their at large bid. They went to Cheersport put up the highest score in their level won their division and still didn't get upgraded to paid, actually put up the 3rd or 4th best score out of 1200 teams. I am sorry life is not fair not everyone deserves a trophy that's not what this is about. Which is what we told our girls under last years rules they would have gotten the paid bid at Cheersport.
Sorry I will have to disagree. The rule stated going in that only one wild card team will advance. A wild card is much easier to get and most of them are awarded at one day comps where you only have to hit once. Many gyms aren't taking w/c so that makes them easier to get. My CP team had to beat 30 other teams in their division and 117 other teams in their level to get their at large bid. They went to Cheersport put up the highest score in their level won their division and still didn't get upgraded to paid, actually put up the 3rd or 4th best score out of 1200 teams. I am sorry life is not fair not everyone deserves a trophy that's not what this is about. Which is what we told our girls under last years rules they would have gotten the paid bid at Cheersport.

I was joking.
I personally have no desire to take a wildcard. We told our parents we would go on either an at large or paid. If we took the wildcard
Then there is a extra day they would
Have to stay. They would need to be down there by Thursday. And of course you would need a room til Monday just in case you make it to finals. Every comp I have been to that have out wc it ended up going to low placing teams because the higher teams were not accepting them.
Exactly the case at every one day I've been to. Our gym made the decision to only go on at larges or paid at the beginning of the season, and I've noticed that being a fairly popular choice. They've ended up being awarded to fairly small programs who maybe only have one or two shots at a paid/at large.

Are there any divisions with only one WC team? What happens there? I know this is the final weekend of WC bids, so I guess we will have a more clear picture then.
Exactly the case at every one day I've been to. Our gym made the decision to only go on at larges or paid at the beginning of the season, and I've noticed that being a fairly popular choice. They've ended up being awarded to fairly small programs who maybe only have one or two shots at a paid/at large.

Are there any divisions with only one WC team? What happens there? I know this is the final weekend of WC bids, so I guess we will have a more clear picture then.
Sm coed R5 only has 7 teams total no WC. So assuming there will b none. Lg sr 1 has only 1.
Sorry if this has been covered and I missed it, but if a team is on the Summit list as having a W/C Bid does that mean that they received it AND accepted it, or just that they received the W/C Bid? I just can't imagine that many teams/parents are willing to gamble with their money that they will be the ONE team to move on (or upgrade to a Paid Bid - another long shot).
Sm coed R5 only has 7 teams total no WC. So assuming there will b none.
Large cored r5 has 1 paid and 3 at large bids and no wildcards!

I'm so jealous of our r5 in that division. Their chances of winning summit are much greater than ours!

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Sorry if this has been covered and I missed it, but if a team is on the Summit list as having a W/C Bid does that mean that they received it AND accepted it, or just that they received the W/C Bid? I just can't imagine that many teams/parents are willing to gamble with their money that they will be the ONE team to move on (or upgrade to a Paid Bid - another long shot).
They are suppose to put down if they will accept the wild card- if they aren't accepting it for the sole fact it can't be passed down after someone received it. So yes it should definitely mean they are going.

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Sorry I will have to disagree. The rule stated going in that only one wild card team will advance. A wild card is much easier to get and most of them are awarded at one day comps where you only have to hit once. Many gyms aren't taking w/c so that makes them easier to get. My CP team had to beat 30 other teams in their division and 117 other teams in their level to get their at large bid. They went to Cheersport put up the highest score in their level won their division and still didn't get upgraded to paid, actually put up the 3rd or 4th best score out of 1200 teams. I am sorry life is not fair not everyone deserves a trophy that's not what this is about. Which is what we told our girls under last years rules they would have gotten the paid bid at Cheersport.
People are joking about it because all Y5 teams that have competed at a Varsity event this year automatically got at-large bids without earning them, just because.
My understanding from the Owners of our gym you must fill out a form what bids you will accept w/c paid or at large. The bids need to be signed and accepted by a certain time or they are passed to who is next in line. I would assume varsity's site has all the accepted bids posted.
They are suppose to put down if they will accept the wild card- if they aren't accepting it for the sole fact it can't be passed down after someone received it. So yes it should definitely mean they are going.

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Makes me very happy that our gym said they would not accept W/C bids! I would love for CP to attend the Summit but not that way - too much money, time away from work and school being just a few small factors for that "experience". We do have one more chance at Cheer Power in Columbus next month for bids, but it will be a battle because that is a big/tough competition in this area. Luckily CP is only 10 so she's has a few more years for the opportunity. :cool:
Sorry if this has been covered and I missed it, but if a team is on the Summit list as having a W/C Bid does that mean that they received it AND accepted it, or just that they received the W/C Bid? I just can't imagine that many teams/parents are willing to gamble with their money that they will be the ONE team to move on (or upgrade to a Paid Bid - another long shot).

Some parents don't care if they're contenders to win or not as long as they can SAY their kid went to Summit. And some just want the "experience", much like many worlds teams we see. For some folks, it's all a status thing.
The more bids are likely added with more competitions then.

Several of the comp we went to this year handed out less paid and at large bids or they allowed a separate competition for small gym to get half the bids.

I feel small gyms should have to beat us if they want the bids. When they go to summit they don't get to compete in the small gym division because there isn't one (except now they created a small gym summit for next year). Why do you want to hand over money for a paid bid to a team that won't have a chance against larger gym teams.

(I'm not saying large gyms are better and I don't really consider us a large gym except we have more than what is considered a small gym)

There is a small gym here who got a bid for all their teams last season (4 of them) because they competed in small gym all season and killed them. They went to Disney and every single team was out on day 1. They aren't use to seeing big gym teams and I believe their parents had no idea what the beast of summit was.

I don't feel aca should hand out half their bids to small gym in a separate competition. They didn't last year.

I don't feel cheer power nationals should spilt into small gym, medium gym, and large gym

And only give 1/3 of their bids to large gym.

This is why there are less bids for us that is where I have noticed the less bids is at these comps.

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I so agree. We are a small gym and we don't go into the small gym division for this reason. We got a bid last year in Jr 1 and ended up 6th. I don't believe we would have been prepared if we hadn't seen how we stacked up against those "large gym" teams all season long.
Some parents don't care if they're contenders to win or not as long as they can SAY their kid went to Summit. And some just want the "experience", much like many worlds teams we see. For some folks, it's all a status thing.

I have to respectfully disagree. My cp's team earned a WC at their very first comp this year. We were coming off a rough season the year before with a lot of injuries and disappointing showings at some comps. They busted their butts all summer, have an amazing, maxed-out routine, and took first, best of level, and the bid at that comp. They have been first or second at every comp since, even now that we are at the bigger comps that give AL and paid bids. Our team was SO excited to get that bid! The gym and parents decided that since we had so much time to plan, fundraise, and work before May...we'd give our athletes this chance. They are beyond motivated, and can't wait to prove themselves at the prelims. They also are killing themselves trying to upgrade to paid...we've been close, but not yet. It is wonderful to watch how motivated this has made them, and it is a little insulting that some people think it is all about status or moms saying that "my kid went to Summit." In our area, 95% of our social circle has absolutely no idea what the Summit is, or Worlds either for that matter. Everyone's kid is involved in some high level sport or another, they are all doing their own one really cares unless they are in cheer. This is all about our kids and their matter what happens that 1st weekend in May we are very proud. And truly, as I keep telling cp...what better place for a Cinderella story than WDW? ;) So please, it would be kind if people on here could refrain from making the athletes and families that accept these bids feel like vapid morons! ;)

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