All-Star Summit Bid Winners 2015

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Small J3 has 24 paid or at large bids 35 wild cards. There appear to be one team that has upgraded from wild card to paid and one senior team posted in J3. This division had 38 teams last year. My prediction is 35 paid or at large bids with 40 wild card teams.
Small J3 has 24 paid or at large bids 35 wild cards. There appear to be one team that has upgraded from wild card to paid and one senior team posted in J3. This division had 38 teams last year. My prediction is 35 paid or at large bids with 40 wild card teams.
This division alone is bigger than some
Of the small comps I have been too. Yikes. They may need to start Thursday for WC. Or give them their own tent on a field

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There were 3 venues last year there are 214 potential wild card routines. If they start early shouldn't take more than 6 hours.
It's competitive cheerleading right ?? Maybe demolish wasn't the right word but those ladies are very talented and obviously very humble . Don't know why people are getting so hyped up over a word now a days like cmon not to be rude but get over it and enjoy the competitiveness and have fun with it.
Anyhoooo Goodluck to all competitors at the summit may they all go out there and slay the mat they all worked extremely hard to get there and deserve the best . Have a blessed day yall :)
It will b close to or over 40 by May!

Small Junior 3 had 38 last year, J3 currently stands at 23 Bid teams and 35 Wildcards on the Summit Site which they update on Fridays. Like I said in my earlier post I think when it is all said and done you will have 35 bid teams and 40 wild cards. 75 teams in one division. I imagine Dallas will probably add a couple Small J3 teams this weekend to the list, and there is another local UA team tweeted they got a bid this week and they are not on the list either.
Small Junior 3 had 38 last year, J3 currently stands at 23 Bid teams and 35 Wildcards on the Summit Site which they update on Fridays. Like I said in my earlier post I think when it is all said and done you will have 35 bid teams and 40 wild cards. 75 teams in one division. I imagine Dallas will probably add a couple Small J3 teams this weekend to the list, and there is another local UA team tweeted they got a bid this week and they are not on the list either.

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