So if you get a wildcard but you really think you'll get an AL (or paid) later on, then you can decline the wildcard bid? And risk ending up with nothing instead? Do some gyms do this?
(don't think we'll get any bids but I'm just curious to learn how it works)
Yes our gym doesn't do wildcards.
Although we could have gotten I think all wildcard bids given out (but maybe one?) between our first two comps, our gym will not accept one. They said if you can't get an at large or paid then you shouldn't go. However I think some divisions would be easy to take a wildcard (like small youth 3- because there won't be that many teams and u just have to place top 2) so I think it has its advantages. I would take it .. But not our gym.
We declined wildcard bids last year and it worked out
Like half our teams got paid and the other half got at large so everyone was able to go.
The year before our gym only wanted to take paid bids... But unfortunately my daughters team collected an at large at every single bid event.
Which were later passed down.. I was a little salty. We did take 4 paids that year i believe.
But it doesn't matter what you go on, you have a risk of not even making day 2.
Although I think paids should get guaranteed Sunday but I won't hold my breath.
My daughters team went on paid last year and from our gym had the biggest chance of winning ... And they tied for 20th and didn't make day 2.
They had more deductions day 1 at summit then they had all season added together lol.
And a team that won we already beat them earlier in the season. We just didn't beat them when it mattered most.
So honestly it doesn't matter what bid u take. Your chances of winning are slim lol
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