A few things:
1. I enjoyed the Summit very much. It was an incredible event and an incredible weekend. I have not heard one negative thing from the families that attended from our gym. In fact they are ready to go back again next year. For my gym attending the Summit was amazing and something we will work towards in the future. However, that isn't going to stop us from trying to push our R5 to become a true 5 and make it to Worlds in the future.
2. The athletes we took to the Summit still have hopes and dreams of making it to the Worlds stage one day. The Summit didn't change the hopes and dreams of those athletes; in fact I think it made them stronger.
3. Crossovers are legal, bottom line, and really just makes me step my game up. So game on.
4. Moving the Summit to a different venue or different state might be nice, but it will still be inconvenient and expensive for some gyms. It will only benefit those gyms that are close.
5. I am disappointed in those of you who feel this competition shouldn't continue or you dislike the fact that these athletes are getting an opportunity to compete at an event and venue like* Worlds. We are all in this sport together and we should be supportive of all athletes, levels, ages, gyms, competition companies, etc. It truly saddens my heart to hear that you don't think Suzy Q who is 17 on S1, who started cheering last year and worked every day to get her BWO, doesn't deserve this experience. As a coach, I can say that Suzy Q deserves that experience just as much as the girl with the double full on the Worlds team at ABC All Stars. In fact, it is my goal to take a level 1 team to the Summit next year. * I emphasize the word like because my Summit athletes were very aware that they were competing at the Summit, not Worlds, yes it was similar and in the same venue, but it was a very different competition. AND I would hate for any of them to come on here and read what some of you have said about this competition that meant the WORLD to them.
6. WWOS is just a Venue and it holds many, many, many cheer competitions throughout the season. The Olympics was held at Squaw Valley in Lake Tahoe in 1960. Does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to ski there or compete in a skiing competition there because I am not an Olympian? That just sounds absurd.
7. We met some of the most wonderful athletes, parents, and coaches from across the country. The energy and excitement was everywhere and everyone was so happy to be there. Everyone was pleasant, respectful and overall just happy, even in the rain. It was truly a wonderful experience. Watching all the finalists stand up to applaud the champion at each Summit reveal was just awesome. It brought tears to my eyes. Those are the reasons I coach.
I can’t wait to see what happens next season (or I guess I should say this season) with bids, teams, levels, etc. I know attending this competition lit a fire with our coaching staff, athletes who attended, athletes who didn’t, and our families. I see big things in the future of my gym, the Summit, and Worlds. Kudos to all teams who received a bid (accepted or declined, won at a competition or handed down.) Kudos to the teams who attended and left everything they had on that way too cool black mat. Kudos to the teams that made finals, placed top 3, or who won the rings. And finally a HUGE kudos to Varsity for putting on an amazing, memorable, well run, exciting, event.
I guess this turned into more than a “few” things. Thanks for reading =)