I think its okay to google different ideas, ppl google everything and its a good resource. Even for something personal as a tattoo, there 1000's of ways to get a design done if you research it while still being creative.
Yes finding the best cheer friendly area or style is based on your uniform and your squad rules. It's always good to get others advice.
I always laugh when I think of my sister who was a HS senior cheerleader 10 years ago when the lower back tattoos were popular she rushed out to get one on her 18th birthday during the summer. Her coach and my Mom were telling her to wait till after cheerleading was over or to see what the uniform would show and the coach was like you can't have it showing at all! She didn't understand that anytime she sat down or leaned over in her uniform it would most likely show. As soon as she got to school on the first gameday in uniform the coach, who was also one of the teachers saw it showing in class. She got a demerit, and had to wear a tank top under the shell all year no matter how hot it was during september, plus those types of tattoos really faded in popularity. All my Mom said was told you so!
So it's good to plan ahead hahaha we laugh about it all the time with her, shes says she regrets getting it.
Another idea is find a friend or someone who is a good artist or good at drawing, even if they don't design tattoos they can maybe pencil out a good sketch of something and how it would look, then take it to an actual tattoo artist and even bring your uniform so they can tweak it around what areas may be visible.