Yep! =\
I remember our last season there when they first did the teal reveal and one of my CP's former teammates came running up to me saying, "look look look I made mini elite!!!" She was so freaking excited and I grinned really wide and congratulated her w/a hug. I went over to say hello to her mom expecting her to be equally happy, but boy was I wrong! I was informed by the mom that her CP was really upset with her team placement.... riiight, she seemed totally devastated only minutes before :rolleyes: bc she (her CP) "knows that she's still on the baby team" and that "she's worked too hard to be on the baby team again". Followed by her own words, which was something to the effect of "We'll see about this- my baby deserves better (after proceeding to talk down another child who had made a "better team" than her CP :confused:) and "if Susie can be on that team, then so can my baby or I'll take her elsewhere".
Now I obv can't say whether or not her CP wanted to be on the other team once she was placed there, bc I never heard her say she was unhappy, and she seemed happy throughout the rest of our time there, but I do know for a fact that it was her mother , not her, who was upset with team placements. She was like 6 or 7 for crying out loud- you tell me :cow: