All-Star Temper Tantrums While Competing!

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Jul 10, 2011
I've been an allstar cheerleader basically my whole life, and never realized any tantrums on the floor, but a few weeks back I went and spectated at a competition, and saw some people I know fall out of stunts, or not hit tumbling, etc, and get angry, and basically have a little tantrum on the floor.
It's the worst when they're the point flyer and they fall...then start stomping and quit smiling...
anywho, lets hear stories about tantrums while competing!
well a couple years back we were doing our coed partner stunt section and one of the bases in my group transitioned way too far ahead so we had to like rip her back to our stunt group needless to say the stunt didnt hit. so after we were done someone asked me why my stunt didnt hit and i said oh "suzy" went too far ahead by accident and her best friend heard me and flipped right out. all the other parents saw it from the other side of the auditorium I was like what is wrong with you..................
2 years ago I saw a young tumbler (maybe 9 or 10?) bail on her tumble pass. She started stomping her feet and having a huge fit. She then started crying. She continued the routine, crying as she did a flip into the pyramid, crying on the top of the pyramid. It was unreal.
The same girl who caused me to start the sabotaging teammates on the floor absolutely belongs in this thread too. Keep in mind, this girl at the time was 16-17, not 9-10. I honestly have a video of her stomping her feet on the competition floor because of her either busting tumbling or her stunt falling. She did it so many times it could have fallen under either of the two situations. :banghead:
what i hate the most is when people drop stunts and they do this ,,i'm sorry, nevermind'' kind of shrug , you've just dropped your stunt you should try to be invisible ,not excuse yourself to the judges ugh:banghead: Not quite a temper thing but i still hate it
I've seen girls saying the F-Word when not hitting a Stunt, not quite the best thing to do i guess as everybody can tell what they were saying
We host a rec competition, and one stunt on a senior team fell, obviously losing the competition. It was the music so I couldn't hear from where I was but the safety judge wrote as a note "please tell cheerleaders not to say the "F" word as they fall from stunts"
I have seen a few tantrums on the mat at competitions -- crying when a pass is busted (not due to injury), giving up when a stunt falls and refusing to do anything else, etc. But I can tell you, as a parent, if one of my children ever did that, it would take a LOT for me to let her back out on that floor again.

One of the reasons I allow my children to participate in sports is to teach them respect and how to handle adversity with graciousness. To me, a temper tantrum on the floor is disrespectful to her teammates and coaches, and shows me she obviously does not understand how to face a bad situation and keep going.

Do your best to keep a smile on your face, and have your tantrum off the floor when the routine is over.
I've seen cases when a stunt has fallen and a slight altercation ensues! Like the bases or back think its the flyer's fault and they shove her off of them or toss them crazily out of the cradle that they barely caught!!
i do this at practice haha ooops, but at competition id at least finish the routine and freak out after
a couple years ago i cried every.single.practice because i couldnt land a standing tuck to save my life. soo much pressure from my coach and team.

i had a teammate that would get nervous running the routine at practice like it was a competition. her hands would get all sweaty and she kinda freaked out like, every time.
During one of my early years of coaching I had a Suzie that would cry onstage for many reasons. I think we attended 8 competitions and she cried onstage for 7 of them. Point jumper and flyer (suzies mom owned this team) my favorite episode was day two of our final competition. She saw a higher level team warming up tumbling at the same time we were. Of course she didn't want to just do her team level skills---she needed to show off her new layout step out to impress these people in warm ups! She busted and embarrassed herself in front of everyone so she went onstage already crying (nothing could calm her down--the world was OVER).

We had a small lead going in but she still found a way to embarrass herself and the team when it mattered the most. We placed 2nd out of 2 -__-

That was the year the Suzie's of the world (and their moms) became my sworn mortal enemies forever.
At a final competition I saw the point flyer fall and she started crying and stomping in the ground.
Also at a wsf competition another point stunt group fell and the flyer fell face first on the ground and 1 of the bases sat on the ground and refused to get up while the rest of the stunt ground was trying to get up
a couple years ago i cried every.single.practice because i couldnt land a standing tuck to save my life. soo much pressure from my coach and team.

i had a teammate that would get nervous running the routine at practice like it was a competition. her hands would get all sweaty and she kinda freaked out like, every time.

i always get to defeated and upset when my stunts dont hit or when i bust my tumbling b/c i put soo much pressure on myself:/ but im pumping myself up for practice today and hopefully we'll do good going full out for the first time

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